The Darkness and Diarrhea Planet at Denver’s Gothic Theatre
I have wanted to see The Darkness in concert since their smash hit “I Believe In A Thing Called Love” ripped across America. But these guys are not a one-hit wonder by any means. 2017’s Pinewood Smile is another example of what a fun band The Darkness is. Sure, Justin Hawkins runs around the stage in a cheetah (jaguar?) print, but he plays guitar like an animal.
I also have to admit I have never had an inclination to see opener Diarrhea Planet, because, hello, their name is Diarrhea Planet. (At 48 years of age, I still can’t even spell that word much less think it’s a good name for a band.) But those guys do not take themselves seriously (at all) at were the perfect accompaniment for The Darkness.
All I can say, if you are ready for a raucous night of insane glam rock – The Darkness is right up your alley. They are a total blast.
The Darkness Concert Photos