
Three Mothers

The truth is, you don’t have to give birth to be a mother.

And there are three ladies in my life that I would like to give thanks for today; one of which gave birth to me, two of which support me unconditionally.

For My Mom

My mother’s life didn’t turn out exactly as she planned. In her high school yearbook, she states she wanted to be a flight attendant. Although what was it that they were called back in the dark ages when my mom was a teenager? Stewardesses? Mainly, she just liked to travel and wanted to see the world.

Then she met my dad, married, had two kids and settled into the June Cleaver portion of life that every woman who grew up in the 50’s wanted, and expected, to be her life. Except it didn’t really work out that way.

As I have talked about before on this blog, things were hard with my dad, he died when I was 11 and my mom was faced with a very different future than she ever dreamed. She took a job she hated and worked there every day until she retired 5 years ago. She did her best to raise her daughters in a brave new world, and through it all, refused to disrespect the man who had ripped apart all our lives.

Because, even though I tease my mom for her use of the word “purdy,” she has always had a sense of grace and dignity about her that astounds me. She came from war-torn Germany as a child into a marriage that left her shell-shocked, and did her very best as a mother ever single day.

Thank you for everything, mom. I love you.

For Aunt Heidi

The person who was there for my mom through the hard times was her sister, Heidi. (Yes, accordion Heidi). Now, as widowed old broads, they are two peas in a pod.

Unfortunately for all of us, Heidi was never able to have children. But my sister and I have always looked to Heidi as a second mother. And in some ways, I have shared more with Heidi than Mom ever saw, because Heidi would hear the deep dark secrets. The stuff you, DUH, just can’t tell your mom.

And Heidi and *I* are peas in a pod in so many ways. Physically, emotionally, psychologically. All except the fact that I say WATERmelon instead of WUTERmelon.

Heidi is a clear example of being a mother without ever giving birth. She is a guiding light in my life and I thank her for ever single time she has listened to me, encouraged me, and lead me on my path. Because that is what mothers do.


For Danielle

I have mentioned before that my best friend Danielle and her husband Jeff are trying to have a baby. And hopefully that quest will still come to fruition. But if not, I do hope she knows the value of the relationship she has with Declan. When I see her and Declan huddled in a corner whispering together, I am swamped with memories of myself and Aunt Heidi.

Of course, I know this can’t replace the bond she would have with her own child, but the love and guidance she gives to my son is so appreciated, so needed – I absolutely recognize her as part of Declan’s mothering force. It really does take a village.

So, thank you Danielle. For being that wonderful, loving, engaged mother to my son. It is truly a pleasure to watch your relationship blossom.

And to all you mothers out there today… Thank YOU for being wonderful parents and role models.

All I have left to say is: YOU ROCK.

This article has 17 comments

  1. Mr Lady

    I know, I have see it. I have seen you before kids, and I have known you after. You are a rocking good momma.

    Happy mother’s day, sugar!

  2. Nadine

    Beautiful letters Aimee! Happy Mother’s day!

  3. Michelle

    Wonderful post!! 😀

    Happy Mother’s Day to you.


  4. Builder Mama

    What a great post! And I hope you had a great day today, too!

  5. carrie

    What a beautiful tribute to all the important mothers in your life.

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Anonymous

    that was lovely.

  7. zenrain

    To one terrific mom, happy mother’s day 🙂 love you, mar

  8. Megan

    awesome. Happy Mother’s Day.

  9. robin

    I am totally filtching this, RIGHT NOW, even though it’s not friday. You are a better person than I, and your wonderful words dug my own out of the depths of my foggy mind! Thank you, and Happy Mother’s Day!

  10. Anonymous

    sniff sniff. that was awesome.

  11. MB

    What a wonderful tribute to all three. We should all say these things more often…

  12. To Think is to Create

    So true, I have my own children, but I have also mothered other people and felt such a bond. So similar to the ones you describe in this post. Loved this!

  13. Mrs. Chicken

    Happy mom’s day to you and yours, friend.

  14. Lauren

    What a lovely tribute.

  15. Don Mills Diva

    What a great post – you are a lucky woman to have three “mothers”.

  16. Gretchen

    Wonderful post!

    Happy Belated Mother’s day!

  17. Ashmystir

    Love the post. Makes me miss my mom who is traveling out west now. =)

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