

We all have those people. The ones who you trusted for so long and they surprised you.

No. That isn’t a strong enough word.

Shocked you to the core of your soul.

I don’t know you at all.

You could be standing on the playground watching your children flash past as the school bell rings – left with words that make no sense.

You could be seeing messages come in over the phone from someone that was your whole life – who is now a stranger to you.

You could be sitting on a patio with the warm Spring breeze flowing over you – searching into eyes that no longer connect with yours.

How could you do this?

The crazy thing is… they are so far away, they have no idea how far their knives are in your belly.

How deep they cut. How long it takes to heal.

But eventually you do.

When you think of them, the edge is duller. Like a scrape rather than a slice.

You brush your hair. You wash your face. And you look towards the sun.

Berry Flavor Flower

This article has 10 comments

  1. Everyfann

    Lovely, Aimee. So true.

  2. Megan

    Pretty post – more really love the photo.

  3. Tree

    Awesome. And true.

  4. monstergirlee

    Is it who I think it is?

    Evocative post, one of those “makes you think” posts. Grunts in frustration.

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Monstergirlee – it is many different people unfortunately. 🙁

  6. zipper

    great post for my gloomy friday.

  7. Ivey League Mama

    {i needed this.}

  8. zenrain

    sorry 🙁

  9. MargieK

    I’ve had that happen, too.

  10. Becca

    I’ve been in your situation before..hope you feel better.

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