
We’re Home.

Declan and I are both exhausted to the core. Thank god Declan slept most of the plane ride home, which made the last leg of the trip more enjoyable. He was adorable as he settled in to his own bed – which he missed so much while we were gone. “Mama, that plane ride was sooooo fast.” I’ll be sure to remind him of that the next time I am fighting with him to sleep in the air.

It will feel good to get back into our normal routine. Declan was definitely out of sorts this weekend, to say the least. I know he was picking up on all the emotions swirling around him, not to mention the lack of sleep – since we arrived at Grandma’s house at around 1:30am on Friday night.

Bryan will stay to help his Mom through Saturday morning. It is much needed and much appreciated for him to be there right now, but we can’t wait till he is home with us too.

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