
3 Very Important Things of Note

1. I finished Harry Potter last night. Who is ready to discuss?

2. I am guest blogging today over at IzzyMom’s place. Check out my post: The Psychology of Blogging.

3. My most important item of the day: After 2 weeks over 100 degree weather – the high today will be 80. WITH RAIN.

This article has 9 comments

  1. chloebear

    FINALLY!!! I have so much to say!

  2. Anonymous

    Great post over there!

  3. Heather

    It hasn’t been that hot here but SO dry. Hope your rain makes it here eventually.

  4. Sue at nobaddays

    Great post over at IzzyMom. She has a darling-cute blog.

  5. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Thanks all, got my HP thoughts up over lunch!

    And thanks Sue!

  6. Wack-A-Do

    Hi Aimee,
    I am so ready to discuss Harry because I predicted right on most of the story lines and I want to bask in my genius for 5 seconds.

  7. Nat

    Absolutely ready to discuss HP. Running off to check the guest blog now.N.

  8. zenrain

    isn’t the weather great??!! we have the same here, and so much rain it’s wonderful!
    loved your post at izzy mom!
    and am i the only person who hasn’t read ANY harry potter books???

  9. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Mar, the books really are fun! I didn’t get into them until the last few years myself.

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