Alien Ant Farm, The Frickashinas & Trujillo Company at Marquis Denver
Alien Ant Farm is an American rock band that formed in 1996 in California. You probably know them for their pop punk cover of Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal,” which became a major hit in the early 2000s. But the band is more than that – they have a killer knack for blending rock, punk, and alternative sounds. Their album “ANThology” is a fan favorite, showcasing their diverse musical style.
Proving this, Alien Ant Farm filled up Marquis Denver recently, with local openers The Frickashinas and The Trujillo Company. It was a perfect lineup; all three are a great mixture of rock ‘n roll and good humor.
One of the things I love about the Marquis is when it’s full and loud, you FEEL the music. As Alien Ant Farm lead singer Dryden Mitchell leaned out into the crowd and sang with fans for half the show – you definitely saw how much fun he was having.
I honestly would not have guessed how much I would have enjoyed an Alien Ant Farm show, but it was a great combination of music and laughter. Their tour continues in the US this summer and then heads to Europe. Catch them if you can!
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The Trujillo Company – Denver Concert Photos
The Frickashinas – Denver Concert Photos
Alien Ant Farm – Denver Concert Photos
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