
GUEST POST: Tara the Tarable

I am literally posting this from the bar on the beach from my iPhone with Spanish zinging all around me and Caribbean beat flowing through some unseen music system. Basically I had some technical difficulties with Tara, aka @tarable aka Tall Tara's post, so forgive…

The Night When I Jumped Into A Pool Fully Clothed

Well, as an adult anyway. We've all done it when we are like 16, right? But not usually when you are 39 and attending a fancy schmancy evening out with about 80 local social media experts and promoting a good cause and tasting wine and…

Vacation Guest Blogger: Laurie Writes

I was saving the best for last. Because my very good friend Laurie exemplifies all that is wonderful about becoming blog [*and REAL*] friends with someone across the cyber wires. Read on to find out why.=================A Baltimore-ish Song for Aimeeby Laurie WritesSo I jotted down…

Rockin’ Out

My friend Darren and I have a special connection. His wife and my husband went to high school together. They were friends back in the day, and still remain so now - which is pretty rare for my husband, honestly. But what is even cooler…