
Grace In Small Things #1

You probably have seen these posts popping up all over the interwebs, where people are talking about the little things in their lives that are positive, special, and worth remembering to overcome the noise and bitterness that is sometimes all-too-easy to overwhelm everything else. The…

The Bathroom Post

Here is the post from Tuesday that I deemed too undignified to be posted on Obama Day. It's probably too undignified to be posted any day, but eh. Who cares? It's funny.So. We canceled our cable two years ago for the sheer pleasure and money…

Happy Obama Day!

I have to admit, I had a post lined up that talked about Declan's bathroom habits. And then I realized that maybe today wasn't the most appropriate time. So that'll have to wait for another day. Try to contain your disappointment.Today, really, what else can…

My Beef with United Healthcare

Heath care is going to the dogs. This is nothing new. This post is not original. We all have our stories. I just need to post about mine or I am going to explode.United Healthcare, our insurance company for 7 years now at my company…

5 Days and Counting

Someone tweeted this link yesterday (sorry, I can't remember who or I would give credit!). It's a gallery of photos from the New York Times of Barack Obama's inner circle plus audio commentary by the organizers, with backstory on most of the participants. I was…

Post Chicks Who Click Post

Damn, I am having trouble getting back in the groove of things after such a fun weekend. I'll keep this short and sweet with more emphasis on the photos since they tell the tale anyway. Besides the fact that I think I am still hungover.…