Crazy Creepy Cool… Video.
Many of you know I co-own a company here in Denver (Klein Buendel – short description: we build and do research on health education web sites). Well, one of the cool things that we have been expanding into lately is video. We have several very large-scale projects that utilize it heavily – and, in fact, have always had a small video/audio recording studio in the office somehow, someway.
But lately, our projects have required bigger video production, green screening, better lighting. All that jazz. So we have been shooting at an external studio, and developed a great relationship with the guys there.
So much so, that when Paul Merrill – the organizer of Podcamp Denver, was looking for a location, we knew just where to direct him. Manmade Media in east Denver.
Check out the creeeeeeeepppy promo video Manmade created for the event.
These guys are so inspiring – I am excited to be shooting with them at work, to inspire Klein Buendel to new levels… but also, personally. All the things they, and the other video experts talked about at Podcamp really resonated me and made me want to bring up my game in the videos I create, everywhere.
How about you?
Have you been inspired creatively in any avenues of you life lately?
You are right – that was wayyyy creepy, LOL. – m
Ha! I always come here for inspiration. 😉
These guys always push things farther than you expected. Even just talking to them you can’t help but get inspired about something. It’s like a virus.
Sometimes for inspiration, I’ll just search for a term in Google Image Search, taking care to crank up the safe search first. Gotta be careful. Just seeing some of the images that I didn’t expect come up for a word sparks all kinds of ideas for me.
I love the idea of just putting terms in Google Search!
I love, love, love, love PodCamps. I’ve only made it to the Pittsburgh one, but it’s definitely a weekend full of inspiration for me. BIG TIME.