

Tomorrow is special.

Tomorrow is our anniversary.

Tomorrow, we’ll have been married for fifteen years.

It’s kind of mind-blowing in a way. Fifteen years is a long time.

When we married, we were 26 years old. Had just moved to Denver. Had no mortgage. Had just started our careers. Had no Declan.

But had lots of hope.

In the years that followed, we’ve had lots of everything. Ups and downs. Twists and turns. Times where we questioned why we were together. When we had to fight for our marriage. Had to work, and slog, and put in the time and talk.

But we’re lucky.

We’ve seen more sunshine than rain. We still laugh at each other. Probably more now than we ever did. We still talk to each other. Probably now with more understanding than those fresh-faced kids fretting over snow on a late May Colorado evening.

Yes, it snowed on my wedding day.

Marriage is hard work. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

But, fifteen years later, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Wedding Photo

This article has 17 comments

  1. Meghann

    I think I mentioned this last year, but tomorrow is our anniversary too. May 26 is when the cool kids get married.

    Happy Anniversary! You two are one of my favorite couples.

  2. Beth Fish

    15 is awesome, you were a fabulously beautiful bride, and your husband still looks nothing at all like mine.

    Hope you are well.

  3. chloebear

    Awww, you guys are so sweet! Happy Anniversary.

  4. Julie {Angry Julie Monday}

    Happy Anniversary!!!!!

  5. Kim Hosey

    Oh my gosh. You look gorgeous in your wedding photo, and you both look the same still! Happy anniversary to you both. Have a wonderful day.

  6. EatPlayLove

    Our 13th wedding anni is next week. It snowed the night before our wedding and we got hitched up on Sugarloaf Mtn!

    Happy Happy Anniversary.

  7. Boston Mamas

    Happy anniversary!! xoxoxo

  8. imelda

    Happy Anniversary twins! 😀

  9. Karl

    Happy early anniversary to you both!

  10. Sizzle

    Congratulations you two! Fifteen years is something I aspire to. Thanks for inspiring me. 🙂

  11. monstergirlee

    Happy Anniversary you two! You two, seriously inspire me with your love and understanding and humor. All of which I (we) need more of.
    Love and Hugs to you both.

  12. Laurie

    Happy 15th!

  13. Magpie

    Happy anniversary – and it’s a lovely photo.

  14. mayberry

    Aww, happy 15, you crazy kids!

  15. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Thank you everyone! 🙂

  16. zenrain

    Hope you had a wonderful day! Thanks for letting me share that day with the two of you! xoxo

  17. carrie

    Hope your anniversary was fabulous and happy happy!


    We’ll be 15 in September. XOXOXO

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