Flobots.org – Bowling Ball 3 Photo Montage
My new clients through Giese Media are really blowing me away. I love how I get to combine all my skills and have a great time doing it.
Case in point: Flobots.org.
Remember how I do Tellerpalooza for Declan’s school? I was thrilled to help Flobots.org with social media on their annual Bowling Ball fundraiser this year – an event that raises money for music programs all over Denver.
And then I got to photograph the shindig too.
Featured: Flobots.org. Flobots, John Hickenlooper, KTCL 93.3 DJs, Bop Skizzum, One Republic, DeVotchKa, Air Dubai, Churchill, John Common, The Epilogues, Colorado Rapids, Rocky Mountain Roller Dolls, and many others!
My pals from Air Dubai won the bowling competition, so I only thought it fair that I use their song “Restless Youth” in my montage. (Which is available for download FREE here and they just released a new album this week too!) Woot!
You may remember Jon (and Andy Rok) from Muppet Night. Yes, we have diverse entrainment interests here in Denver.
Point being, we like to have fun, and do good.
These are so fun, Aimee! thanks for sharing! Love the song.
Wonderful photos as always!! – m
These are great… what a cool event.
Wow. Cool.