The Give and Take of Your Bitch
I pretty much hate that word. Bitch. Maybe it’s my version of the “bossy” pushback, but in many ways it’s just an ugly woman-hating word and while I cringe when friends use that name on each other in banter, I understand it. Take the power back and all that. I don’t feel inherently like I’ll a bitch; oftentimes people make me act that way. What was that Jessica Rabbit quote?
Obviously much of it has to do with perception. Where you are coming from, your experiences and why something upsets you. You only know part of the story, I’m a bitch. You know everything, I am a warrior. In between is my temper, my lack of people skills and my low blood sugar.
Then I really do act like a bitch and I need to apologize.
I get tired of riding the line. Everything feels like a negotiation.
Sure, sure, sure – that’s cool. Happy to. Whatever you want. Um, you want what? Well, OK. I mean, that is really inconvenient. And you just hurt my feelings. No, that really doesn’t work for us. Yeah, remember what we discussed before? I don’t understand what you are asking. Seriously? You actually just said that? I really don’t appreciate how you are talking to me right now. I mean, WHAT????
I flow back and forth between that almost every day and I really do wish I could get off the train.
I started back on birth control pills about 3 months ago, even though we don’t need them, just to help stabilize my hormone induced moodiness. Worked. I’m pretty even now.
I am on an IUD for endometriosis, but they used to help me too! Glad you are feeling better!
you just be you!
I have nothing but a negative association with that word. Guess I’m just old.
Hugs friend.
I know right? It’s really hard for me to say it to someone else.