Grammy Love
I was literally jumping up and down on the couch when the Police came out last night. The P-O-L-I-C-E, dude. I’ve been waiting for that moment for over 20 years. I was a shade too young to ever see them in concert (age 14 in 1984)… but by the flood of messages in my inbox, they have announced the concert tour dates and THEY ARE COMING TO DENVER. Hell or high water, I am so there.
Sting looked like he was just going to burst with happiness. And all that tantric sex must do a body good, because he looked hot as hell too. Stewart and Andy looked sounded awesome too. But I seriously can’t believe they let Carrie Underwood and Rascal Flatts blather on through 4 songs and all we got was Roxanne. Ah well, I guess we’ll make up for it this summer, right?
If you missed it last night, here is the video (before YouTube clamps down on it):
And not to muddle up my Zenyatta Mondatta vibe too much… the other performance that impressed me was little Justin Timberlake. That song sounds way better live, way better with piano. The kid has come a long way from the Mickey Mouse Club.
well you can count me in, too! i did see them once at the amnesty tour (1986 i think???) along with peter gabriel & U2 🙂 anyway, let me know when it is!!!
it was Sting at Amnesty wasn’t it, not the Police? And heck yeah… let’s get a gang together to go!
nope, it was the police. i think he did the second amnesty tour solo but the one i saw was the group 🙂
i just checked my conspiracy of hope tour booklet, and it does say sting but i know in atlanta it was the police, i think maybe that was a special reunion…too bad i didn’t keep a journal of the concert, bryan could read it for us all….;)
I just found out they will be in Toronto on July 22!
Oh ya – My birthday is July 22!