
I don’t know which makes me more proud…

The fact that Declan wrote a poem about farts, or that he did it in cursive.

This article has 28 comments

  1. Tree

    No freaking way. Nathan has no idea what cursive is!!

  2. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    I know Tree. He is KILLING ME!!!

  3. zipper

    I can’t decide either.

  4. sam


    That’s totally worthy of hanging on the fridge – or framing!

  5. Gretchen

    Farts are always funny!

    Cool on the cursive.

  6. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Gretchen, here’s the funny thing – I *hate* the word fart! He knows he’s not supposed to use it! But it was too funny to resist. ha!

  7. Don Mills Diva

    Make sure you pull that little beauty out on his wedding day!

  8. Sizzle

    Declan is awesome. 🙂

  9. laughingatchaos

    I just love boys. No hesitation whatsoever to wax poetic about farts. LOL! I’m sure my cherubs will be writing fart poems before long…just, please, not at school. 😉

  10. Mamma

    I tried to duct tape my kids to the chair until they wrote in cursive too, but it didn’t work. What’s your secret? 😉

  11. Anonymous


    Your Oma and Pata couldn’t be more proud!!!

    Love you,


  12. merrymishaps

    Awesome. So are you framing this and hanging it prominently in your living room?

  13. Deeg

    haha thats a keeper…one to shrink down and put in the Senior page in his yearbook someday hahaha

  14. Sue at eLuckypacket

    Frame it! And hang it in the kitchen!

  15. Anonymous

    that is so damn hilarious!

  16. Scott Booker

    Brillant poem!! Look out Robert Frost!!

  17. Builder Mama

    I mean seriously, that is like one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Great job Declan!

  18. PunditMom


  19. carrie

    You WILL be framing that one, right? 😉

  20. blogapotamus

    THAT should come out on his wedding day!

  21. missy wiggins

    that is some fine looking cursive!
    i love keeping little things like this…
    someday i will pull them out and look upon them and wish my kids were all little again 🙂

  22. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Thanks y’all. He truly is a nut. A very sick nut right now (strep AND flu!) but a crazy little nut.

  23. Sarah O.

    Ah, that fertile mind of Declan’s! I’m not a fan of the “F” word either but I’d be so proud if my kid wrote such a fine essay.

    Sorry Declan’s so sick!

  24. Doodaddy

    Words fail me. “My fart is grose…” it’s sheer poetry.

  25. Mitch McDad

    Reason # 47 that I’m in pain that I’ll never have a son.

    You must be glowing.

  26. Rebecca F.

    I particularly enjoyed the title “My Fart”. LMAO.

    Rebecca F.

  27. nutmeg

    Fart poetry. My favorite genre!

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