June Greeblemix
Yay! Music giveaway time again! You know the deal, rules below, and when we have our winners, I send some of my newest favorite (and some oldest favorite) music to them.
In the meantime, I had a photoshoot this weekend that had all the makings of a disaster. In that we had to reschedule no less than 3 times prior, and as I was driving down to meet the crew, black clouds were gathering on the horizon. We stood in their kitchen, hemming and hawing over the weather, but decided to go to the lake near their house anyway and give it a try. Who cares if the skies opened up and dumped rain all over their gorgeous children???
And weren’t these photos worth it???
Full Flickrset here!
And, OK, now – have at it!
1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight tonight, June 1, 2009.
2. The more comments you make, the more chances you have to win.
3. No anonymous comments. Please make sure your email address is easily accessible through your entry!
4. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
5. Tomorrow morning, I will use Random.org to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs, three winners!
6. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CDs.
7. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.
Wow…it’s always shocking to me how quickly Greenblemix time rolls around again. How can it be a month already?
what do i have to do to get you to take my baby’s photo? cause I will do it. donate blood, a kidney, whatever!
The pics are amazing. However, I have come to expect that, so you have met expectations…
I need a new Greeblemix!
Gorgeous pictures. I keep thinking that I’d like to enter you photo constest but I’m afraid I’m no where near good enough!
As for the music, I still listen to the CD I won over a year ago. I love it. Please please please I’d like another!
Great pictures, I must agree with the rest.
And: I want a Greeblemix 🙂
Ooh – this is the first time I’ve heard of this Greeblemix – I hope hope hope I win! And I hope we have the same taste in music!
Great pictures!
I’m commenting again (I apparently REALLY want the mix). I just looked at the pics on Flikr – there really are some great shots on there. I like your style!
Gorgeous photos! I love the color of the sky. I also can’t believe it’s the first of June, gah! New music would be great.
Okay I’m new to this, but I’ll give it a try. I found your blog off Follow My Folly’s. I’m so out of touch with what’s hip in music, but would love to get back in touch!
still not back to work yet!
need music!
Just looked at the flicker set and I agree – what a beautiful family.
Two things I miss about Colorado – the grass and the sky. Oh – and the mountains. And my good friends!
One more try!!
Wow, those pictures came out great–the sky looks surreal! Did you enhance the color at all? Awesome!
I want 🙂
The pictures look great! Nicely done!
Also, I am tossing my hat in the ring for a Greeblemix once again..my track record is horrible thus far, but I’m an eternal optimist.
I could use some new tunes. :O)
And again, before I leave the office!
C’mon new music …..
beautiful pics.
lovely, as usual!
Hmmm…soo need new music on the iPod while learning to use my camera. Just want to get non-blurry pics of the boys.
Trying, trying.
OOh, pick me, pick me!! And those shots were totally worth it!!
I would very much like to win 🙂
Still tryin’….
Love love love love the pics! (would like a CD, too, but we’ll see 😉 )
Last time before bed … hope the AM brings some new tunes!
First timer here.. via Twitter/music.. was curious.
Your family (I hope!) is amazingly beautiful! Will be back to visit again!
Thanks for letting me play.
I’d comment on the beautiful shots any day . . . but you know I would love me some Greeblemix!
The top one is my fave!
What a beautiful family—so glad the weather cooperated!
okay I don’t think I can leave more than three comments–starting to feel silly. 😉
Dang it – missed on my chance. Maybe you’ll let this comment in…
How about a comment by midnight on June 1st somewhere behind us in terms of time zones? Like, what time is it in Japan right now?
I wanna greeblemix!!