The Lumineers Open Up New Mission Ballroom Denver
There’s a new sheriff in town and it’s called The Mission Ballroom. Located just off I-70 and Brighton Boulevard in RiNo, this impressive new venue opened last month to much fanfare and a packed show with The Lumineers. The band, who used to often play at the Meadowlark’s open night mic night just down the road, were a great choice to start the party off. The venue has s stage that can move to accommodate attendees, but this show was at maximum capacity.
Local art graces the walls (everywhere), there are bars all around (seriously), a disco ball that also provides high-tech lighting (in all different directions) and there isn’t a bad view from anywhere in the house (for reals). They are still working out how ride share dropoffs/pickups work and you have to pay to park if you drive, but honestly – this venue is worth it.
You could tell The Lumineers (last photographed at Fiddler’s) were honored to be the first to play there and had a blast doing so. I walked around the whole venue and listened while they did, and same as the views – the sound was terrific.
AEG owns the venue and has already booked a plethora of amazing acts through the end of the year.
Many more posts to come from Mission Ballroom, to be sure – since apparently I will be spending a ton of time there from now on.