"Merry Fucking Christmas"
Isn’t a picture worth a thousand words?
This photo is the result of a fairly painful photo session in the tub – wherein I thought it would be cute to mimic a holiday card I saw last year, with the kids had shaving cream beards and Santa hats on.
Declan absolutely refused the shaving cream beard and I barely got him to put the Santa hat on. He is getting to the point where he is unthrilled with me taking pictures of him at any time, much less in the bath.
It is kinda painful for me, actually – because taking photos of my son is one of my great joys in life. I also get dissapointed when something I view as major fun, such as getting the photo for the annual holiday card, is viewed a not-even-close-to-fun by the other members of my family.
Oh well. I still have time. (Insert evil laughter).