
My Body Sings Electric: Concert Photos from the Bluebird

The Denver music family really is a family. Recently, when My Body Sings Electric members Brandon and Nick jokingly started a Twitter fight (mostly about being in a van together for a long time), my response was to put them in online time-out. What these guys don’t realize is that it’s hard on us too when they tour because we don’t like to share.

So it was a packed house when MBSE returned to the Bluebird Theater recently, with also-awesome opening band Red Fox Run. Brandon had recently broken his foot (which had him wobbling in a boot), yet he still managed to jump around with the rest of the guys pretty well. The set list was a treat for long-time fans and included “Doctor,” “Step Into The Light,” as well as my two favorite songs back to back: “End of Summer” (which was used on a Kodak Times Square video) and “Oceancrest.” I like to pretend that was done for me.

But either way, you know a band loves you when you get the middle finger right into the camera.

My Body Sings Electric 2015


My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015 My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015 My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015

My Body Sings Electric 2015

Concert tickets were provided by My Body Sings Electric.
All words and photos are mine. © Aimee Giese

This article has 5 comments

  1. jerriscreams

    Love these photos! And this band is great.

  2. zipper

    You truly are my favorite concert photographer.

  3. That guy

    You can’t even see Ben in any of your “photography” he’s the guy behind the loud rhythm thingys in the back.

    • Aimee

      Hi “That Guy,”

      Even though you have a fake email I’m going to actually reply to this comment because I almost talked about this issue in the post. I try really hard to get to the drummers and get pictures of them all the time but it’s very difficult when they’re tucked back and have no lighting on them and are also in a band with lots of members on a small stage in a small club with no press pit so you are really interfering with the fans to be up in front getting shots. So you’ll notice most of the pictures are from the side, because the number one rule of concert “photography” is to not ruin the fan experience and if that means sometimes you can’t get to the drummer that is tucked back in the dark even if he is your friend and very talented, so be it.

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