National Adoption Day = New Member To The Crew
Well, technically not my immediate crew, but close enough.
Know how we have these best friends, Jeff and Danielle? The ones we go on vacation with and spend holidays with? The ones who were in the process of adopting Declan’s adorable “Little Brother,” Grayson?
Well, the courts allowed them to make it official-official on Friday, for National Adoption Day, with balloons and corsages, and a few tears from all of us after their tough road to this point.
Watching your best friends struggle with infertility is humbling. Watching them move through the adoption process is fascinating. Watching them bond with their new son is AMAZING.
Grayson is a beam of light. He is all smiles. He is happiness, pure and simple.
If you don’t believe me watch this video of Danielle teaching him to say my name, the first name he has managed to *ever* say, I might add. Woot! Candy and toys galore for Grayson from “Ahhmay!”
I mean, who can’t love that?
Bryan was adopted himself. I can already sense a special bond there with him and Grayson – but it really is there for all of us. We were waiting for Grayson. Declan was waiting for Grayson. While we absolutely love and adore our “real” families who live in other parts of the country, we are also making our own “real” family right here in Denver.
This Thanksgiving, we have A LOT to celebrate.
This morning we had a small baptism ceremony for Grayson.
Oh yeah, I totally cried. Again.
Full set of photos here.
Go adoption! I think it’s a great thing.
I am so happy for them!!
Oh my, I now have tears in my eyes. I am so happy for all of you!
Fantastic 😀 I fully believe in building family in whatever way suits you, and friends totally count. As an adoptee myself, I’m especially mushy over Grayson <3
That’s wonderful. Congrats to them.
Another adoption momma here shouting from the roof tops how lucky we were to be able to adopt such a great child.
I hope more people are inspired to consider adoption because of your post.
I am all teary eyed and I am at work, just beautiful! So very happy for all you guys. Brenda.
so lovely and happy for them and you.
Made my day. Thats’ awwwwwwesome.
Awesome. That video is beyond cute!!!
Oh, that is just wonderful. Congrats to you all! – m
Yay! I am so happy for everyone- ’cause everyone wins!
Wow, what a wonderful post. So glad I found you. Congrats to them.
Eventually I’m going to stop getting all teary every time I see their little family. Eventually, but not anytime soon.
Two people who were meant to become parents have become parents. It’s a beautiful thing.
Oh, so happy for them! Being “Auntie” to 2 adoptees myself, I know what a wonderful bond it is – and I’m so incredibly lucky to have them in my life too. I’m their “Ahhmay.”
🙂 Enjoy!
Thank you everyone for your wonderful support and well wishes! We are so happy!!