New Orleans for the First Time
Last week, I was in New Orleans for the Mom 2.0 Summit. It was my first time time there, which is kind of shocking since I went to college in the south. But same as NYC, it was just one of those places that was always on my list, but never made it to the top.
The conference itself was fantastic, lots of learning and sharing. I had a total blast doing a graphic design workshop with Laurie Smithwick, as well as listening to so many other wicked-smart people talk about social media and branding. I saw soooooooo many old friends, which is cool that we are “old” friends, really, thinking how “new” the blogosphere kinda is – and I enjoyed meeting a ton of new friends as well. I even managed to sneak in a massage courtesy of Body Logic MD. Woot!
But it wasn’t until my last day there, Sunday, that I actually got out and about the city. I purposely scheduled my flight for late in the day so I would have this time, to just walk around and just look.
It was really cool to feel the rhythm of the city. To see where the hurricane hit, to see what had been rebuilt, what still needed work, and how the area seems to be regrouping, everywhere.
Here are my photos from that day, in a collage set to Brendan James’ song “The Other Side.”
Thanks for revealing yourself, NOLA.
These are great Aimee. As usual!
I have never been either! Love the photos.
Lovely Aimee!
Loved it loved it loved it! The song was perfect, your photos were divine. So cool you got some Aimee time to go for a walk with your camera.
And since this is a day late, Happy Birthday too!
what a great slideshow! i love how you were able to capture the vibrance and color and music of the city. love it!
Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenter’s here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! I’m sure you had fun writing this article.
oh, how i miss NOLA
The photos are gorgeous, as usual! I love NOLA, but have seen it from the eyes of people who live there and that is much nicer than the tourist trap of the FQ.
I really want to go there, and even more now!
Wow, Aimee. those pictures are AMAZING!!!!! I have never been either.
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Article is really very informative. Pointers are perfectly hitting the subject guidelines keeps up the good work going.
You are so talented. Your photography really captured the spirit of the city!