P!NK Beautiful Trauma Concert Photos From Denver’s Pepsi Center
Everyone likes P!NK. I mean, how can you not? She is a great singer and a bad-ass chick. I’d always heard she was good in concert but let me correct you on that one. PINK is FUCKING GREAT in concert. I like her music, but WOW. Last night, in Denver, at the Pepsi Center, P!NK put on THE best large-scale production concert I have ever seen. And somehow she managed to make it feel intimate as well.
Whether she was flying through the air (no seriously, watch that video), bending over to sign autographs, or singing tenderly to her daughter, PINK had the entire arena in the palm of her hands. How she was on key while doing major acrobatics is beyond me. Much less do it beautifully. And for 21 songs straight.
I described it to a friend as “Pop Music Cirque du Soleil.” Plus, there was actual fire and explosions, so I suppose P!NK’s concert also harkens back to the big bands of the 80s – which her opening support DJ KidCutUp played to the max.
Due to popular demand, P!NK is coming back to Denver in April 2019. Tickets go on sale Friday and guess who will be clicking this link obsessively that day? ME.
P!NK Concert Photos
Beautiful Trauma Tour 2018 – Denver, Colorado
You captured the energy and the show perfectly. She is such a great entertainer! I loved it.
Thanks friend! <3
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