Sonoda’s Sushi is Spamming Denver on Twitter
Usually I just ignore Twitter spam. But I got an “at” message from Sonoda’s Sushi in Denver and Aurora, Colorado, right after I gave thumbs up on Twitter to Dyson for GOOD social listening – so I assumed they were trying to reach out in a GOOD way.
They were spamming me, meaning calling out to me with some message meant to draw attention to their sushi and seafood restaurant, without any reall interactions between us. Even worse, as I looked at their stream, they were spamming everyone in town… including the Denver Broncos, Larimer Square (the shopping district!) and a ton of people I know from Denver, Boulder and the Front Range.
So, I commented on this to my friends… and we had fun talking about spammers (and the food, SPAM) for a good while yesterday. Sonoda’s Sushi has YET to notice. Below are screen caps of our conversation and what was happening on the Sonoda Twitter account at the same time.
Clearly Sonoda Sushi has an automated bot working their Twitter. Or has things pre-loaded to auto-tweet, seeing as some of the messages are actually somewhat targeted… (Some new messages started today, like “Welcome to the NCAA Women’s Final Four” – which is happening in Denver this weekend.) I am honestly not that familiar with these tactics as I never use them, for myself or my clients.
Why? Because they had a ton of people in Denver talking poorly of them yesterday. People who will never go to their restaurant, will tell people not to go there, and now have blocked them on Twitter as well as reported them as spam.
Was that really worth it, Sonoda’s Sushi?
I think I would rather eat SPAM than deal with a place like that! Yuck.
Not good.