Globe Hall

Michigan Rattlers Interview - Denver Concert Meow Wolf

Interview With The Michigan Rattlers

Was happy to get on a call with Graham Young, the frontman for the Michigan Rattlers, for an interview recently. The band has released their third album, Waving from a Sea, and are mounting a large North American tour in 2025 (full tour dates below).…
Blake Rose concert Denver at Globe Hall - concert photos & review

Blake Rose at Globe Hall Denver

Recently I caught Australian singer Blake Rose in concert at Globe Hall Denver and it's another one that I know I will never see at such a small venue ever again. While Blake may be young, he has already amassed a great following here in…
The Family Crest - Concert Photos & Review - Denver's Globe Hall

The Family Crest at Globe Hall Denver

I love when our kid, who is now approaching 21 years old, introduces us to new music. Such was the case with orchestral indie band The Family Crest, although they are not a new band. The brainchild of composer, vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist Liam McCormick, The…
N3PTUNE - Denver Concert Photos - Globe Hall

N3PTUNE & VYNYL at Globe Hall Denver

N3PTUNE has been quite the subject on my site recently. That's because I try and catch him whenever and wherever he is playing. It's hard to describe an N3PTUNE show, but trust me when I say you will be blown away. Part singer, part dancer,…
Elektric Animals, Hello Central & Sophie Gray at Globe Hall

Elektric Animals, Hellocentral & Sophie Gray at Globe Hall

Hooray! Our first concert of 2022. And I love that it was a benefit show for Youth On Record that raised nearly $2,000 for that fine local non-profit. Denver bands Elektric Animals, Hellocentral and Sophie Gray performed at Globe Hall to support music education for…
I Fight Dragons - Denver Concert Photos - Globe Hall

I Fight Dragons at Globe Hall

It's been waaaaay too long since I have seen I Fight Dragons live in concert. I just looked it up and KABOOM! came out ten years ago, which seems insane to me. But it also makes sense, because it was one of our son's (and…
Elektric Animals Host Youth On Record Fundraiser

Elektric Animals Host Youth On Record Fundraiser

Mark your calendars! Denver band Elektric Animals are hosting a fundraiser concert for the next generation of Colorado musicians via one of our most loved local nonprofits, Youth On Record. The event will be held at Globe Hall on Saturday, January 15th, with Elektric Animals…