World Diabetes Day – November 14th
I was diagnosed with Type 2 at age 32. I have managed it well for over ten years but it becomes increasingly difficult. It permeates everything. I get sick, it takes longer to get better. I get an eye checkup, the doctor looks at every vein because peripherals are the first to go. My endocrinologist pokes my feel to make sure I still have feeling all over, because infection there and losing a limb is a real possibility.
I was denied insurance 4 times over the summer we went without and then went on COBRA before Bryan got his new job. I am so thankful diabetes will not be a pre-existing condition come January 1st so I can continue to manage my disease but so many other countries are not as lucky.
Big hugs to my diabetic brothers and sisters and thank you all for your amazing support! The medical community continues to amaze me with their innovations. Let’s kick this thing!
Love to you. Always love how you support health casues.
WORLD DIABETES DAY. I wish the whole world will be free from diabetes.