Author: Aimee

Three Nights In A Row…

...I have slept like crap on a stick.One night I had a night terror (the 1st one I've had in months - I thought a man was up on the ceiling in Spider-Man fashion... turns out it was just the ceiling fan)... one night I…

I can be so evil…

Scene: Near dog food bowl. Kitty cat is sniffing voraciously at the new soft food Rio has been getting since her throat is still tender.Aimee: "Finn, back off! You can't have any of that because you don't have cancer!"

They kill me sometimes.

A client called 5 minutes ago (as in, 4:20pm on the east coast) and asked us to put some information on the web site for a training she is doing tomorrow morning, and has known about for some time.Sometimes I wish I could just say,…

More Sun

The sunset in San Diego must have followed us here (albeit a sunrise instead).The most amazing part is that Bryan went outside and took these photos, with no encouragement from me at all!

What Not To Wear

I freaking love this show. And for once, I like the American version better than the British. (For example, I pretty much can't stand Trading Spaces, but love Changing Rooms).Yesterday, there was a WNTW marathon, which matched up with the Christmas present packing extravaganza that…

Asthma Update

Declan's asthma was put to the test last week when he got a cold... and we upped the breathing treatments per the doc's instructions and he weathered it just fine. I am thrilled with the Pulmacort. He is now at the end of the cold…

Tiptoeing Around Christmas

My pal Jen sent a CNN article about the war of words around "Happy Holidays" vs. "Merry Christmas."Personally, I think there is a middle ground here, people. It is stupid to call a Christmas Tree a Holiday Tree. No need to take Merry Christmas out…