Author: Aimee

Internet Mommy Lunch

I had lunch today with 2 ladies (and their families) who I met through the Internet. Bryan calls them PIMs (Psycho Internet Moms) - a name actually stolen from another PIM's husband. If you had told me a few years ago that I would be…

It’s the Little Things

After nap today we were all hanging out in Declan's room and talking. (That new bed really is comfortable). I was telling Declan about Thanksgiving, what we were doing to celebrate, and how it is a day to remember the good things in our life.What…

Bushism of The Year

Go to About Political Humor to vote for the most insipid, inane thing our so-called leader said this year. There are some doosies!1) "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." —to FEMA director Michael Brown, who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his…


In a fit of pre-bedtime sillies, Bryan and I decided last night that the hair around his nipples should be called "poobs." Like mixing pubes and boobs. Say it aloud. Poooooobs. I am still giggling.

Speaking of body functions…

Dex and I go potty at the same time sometimes and he almost always leans his head on my leg from his little potty. Freaking adorable. Then he pushes on my leg with his finger and says "squishy!" Not so adorable.

Story from the park yesterday…

Bryan took Declan to the park yesterday... As Dex was playing, Bryan struck up a conversation with a mom there and they started talking about Declan's school (which mixes special needs and non-special needs kids). Bryan told the mom that one of the things he…

Speaking of the Basement…

I am so glad we worked so hard in August to finish off the basement (OK, well... truthfully we hired people to help... but, yes, we did a buttload of the work ourselves too!). We essentially doubled the size of our house and now we…