Author: Aimee

She’s a Mystery.

The Vet's bill thus far is $481. (In addition to the $189 we spent two weeks ago).They have no clue what is wrong with her. They have checked out her heart, her liver, her kidneys... checked for anemia, diabetes, infections... Nothing. She is healthy as…

That was a bad one.

After a fun evening of playing at his school's "Winter Festival," I took Declan home and prepared him for bed. He asked if he could play with his cards instead of reading a book during his breathing treatment. I said that was fine, but then…

Rio is in the hospital…

Last night she was gasping for air, so Bryan brought her to the Animal ER (at our regular vet's place). Oddly enough the famous vet was there last night so it was quick to get her admitted, and also, they did not charge us since…

Crying Jag

The kid is driving me nuts with his crying the past few days. I am not sure if he is still overly tired from the trip, or still getting over his cold, or what - but I nearly just lost it on him. I keep…

Work Holiday Party

We headed out at noon and took everyone from the office to the Denver Aquarium for our holiday party today. With the exception of incredibly slow service (for which they graciously charged me 20% gratuity), the party was really nice. The Aquarium has recently been…

San Diego

Well, of course we had a blast. Every single photo of the nearly 250 will be up on my photo site soon. But here are the highlights our trip. THURSDAY Arrived in at our hotel in Oceanside at around 11pm. Which was 12am Denver time.…

My First Hiatus

Well, we head to San Diego in a few hours, so I will be signing off all computers soon. Before you get any ideas about robbing my house, one of Declan's teachers from school is house/pet sitting for us while we are gone. Dex's school…