Author: Aimee

Swimming In A Winter Wonderland

While I battled the mall and did sufficient holiday shopping damage to the credit card, Declan and Bryan went to an indoor swimming park with Lily and her dad. Since it's still been cold as hell here, they figured - "What the hell!?! We'll go…

First time being babysat by teenagers…

We had a really nice day yesterday! I'd say we deserve it after last week, wouldn't you?Saturday morning, we got the house clean (Cat fur was EVERYWHERE after being gone on vacation... It was like Finn decided he would spread his allergic love as far…

It was a tumor.

The vet called... they found a tumor in Rio's throat... that was a size of a fist. They removed it, but he said that this kind of tumor can happen with blue-tongued dogs and it is usually really aggressive. We are leaving now to go…

Jeff’s Sniglet

Jeff emailed this sniglet he made up today:Crapacity (Noun)One's maximum ability to tolerate non-productive or tedious work; as in, "I'm operating at full crapacity; I can't handle any more BS!"I love it! (And I have a low crapacity.)

She’s a Mystery.

The Vet's bill thus far is $481. (In addition to the $189 we spent two weeks ago).They have no clue what is wrong with her. They have checked out her heart, her liver, her kidneys... checked for anemia, diabetes, infections... Nothing. She is healthy as…

That was a bad one.

After a fun evening of playing at his school's "Winter Festival," I took Declan home and prepared him for bed. He asked if he could play with his cards instead of reading a book during his breathing treatment. I said that was fine, but then…