Best Concert Photos Denver 2018

Best Denver Concert Photos 2017

The past year was hard for me personally, as it was for much of America. The good news is, music helps you through the tough times (Related: 2017 Playlist). And while I certainly didn’t attend as many concerts as last year, I had a great time when I was out.

Heading to Treefort and Lost Lake were major highlights – and it’s a definite goal to continue mixing music and travel. We still had our awesome local festivals like Westword Music Showcase and Project Pabst – plus a new venue exploded on the scene in Ruby Hill, so I spent half the summer with Levitt Pavilion.

It was an honor and a joy to photograph concerts all around Denver, hanging out with awesome local bands and shooting some of my all-time favorite acts in 2017. I can’t wait to see what is in store for 2018 and beyond.

My Best Denver Concert Photos 2017

Displayed in random order. Click any thumbnail for a larger version. Then use the navigation arrows (or your keyboard arrow keys) to move left and right through the photographs.

Best of Concert Photos from Previous Years

Best of 2016  |  Best of 2015   |  Best of 2014

This article has 12 comments

  1. AJ

    These are so fun to look through!

  2. Pingback: Friday Favorites - 2018: Chapter One - AJ Feuerman

  3. Angela

    These are fantastic! They make me realize I really need to get out to more concerts!

  4. Christa Jimenez

    I really love your style of photography. As a musician, I always appreciate when a photographer captures the passion of live music through the lens. It’s hard to do- and you are really good at it. I’ll be back to see more of your photos and reviews in 2018

    • Aimee

      Thanks Christa! I didn’t know you were a musician – what do you play? (And can I come photograph you?) 🙂

  5. Jen Goode

    Such a great collection of shots, you are crazy talented with that camera of yours! I especially love how you’ve captures the movement and excitement.. those hair flips are awesome.

    • Aimee

      Thanks Jen! I feel like it was a big year of hair for me, ha! 😉

  6. Amy Evans

    Your photos are so amazing.

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