Carnival of Photos
I interrupt the vacation posting for the latest Crazy Hip Mama’s Carnival. Since they are talking about hobbies, and my main hobby is photography, I only felt it appropriate to wax poetic for a few minutes as I am wading through 7 gigs of digital euphoria.
I nearly chose photography for a profession, actually. One of the reasons I did not, though, was the fear that photography would cease being a joy and start being drudgery.
Over the years, I will admit photography fell by the wayside a bit – but with the advent of digital and more importantly, the advent of my favorite subject (duh, Declan)… I have been literally going nuts for the past 5 years. Bryan knows what to get me for any present-bearing holiday. I can lose myself for hours in the viewfinder.
My favorite part is capturing *that moment* – the one that takes you right back to that place and time. When you look at a photo and can remember what the air smelled like.
It’s magical.
such a fun hobby!
very cool!
My favorite hobby is gardening. It makes me calm down almost instantly.