
June Greeblemix

Yay! Music giveaway time again! You know the deal, rules below, and when we have our winners, I send some of my newest favorite (and some oldest favorite) music to them.In the meantime, I had a photoshoot this weekend that had all the makings of…

May Greeblemix Winners!

Thanks for playing, you guys are the coolest. Here are the winners this month, with an extra special twist!11 - EileenBeans18 - ALSO EileenBeans, which has NEVER happened! So I am going one above and one below:~17 - Kelly from Southern Living~19 - Becky from…

May Greeblemix

MAY? It's MAY already? Holy cats. Mother Nature better stop screwing around here in Denver and get with the program. The sun finally came out late yesterday, but up until then: GLOOM. It made for some cool [gloomy] photos over the weekend, so I really…

April Greeblemix Winners!

Alrighty friends! Here are the winners this month, as I frantically pack for Day 2 of my South Carolina photo shoot AND for the flight home. Hopefully I will have a better experience than the flight here, where the had to JUMP START the plane.…

April Greeblemix!

I'm working away in [starting to get sunny] South Carolina, getting ready for our [outdoor] photo shoot for an [awesome] project that encourages older folks to get outside and walk [and in turn meet their neighbors.]As the weather clears, so does my headache.But none of…

Rockin’ Out

My friend Darren and I have a special connection. His wife and my husband went to high school together. They were friends back in the day, and still remain so now - which is pretty rare for my husband, honestly. But what is even cooler…

March Greeblemix Winners!

Here are the three lucky numbers drawn at random this morning while I bask in Denver's 76 degree weather...Which equates to these three friends getting new mix CDs!The Casual Perfectionist (Who just joined the Mile High Mamas! Woot! And YES! Comment #42!)Sue at No Bad…