
Caught Up & Ready

After a two-week Grey’s Anatomy marathon, I am finally caught up. And thanks to iTunes’ Season Pass for TV shows, I watched last week’s epsiode last night – so I am READY for tonight.

OK, well, in truth, I will be packing this evening for a trip to Chicago instead of watching because that is first and foremost in my mind. Remember how I was supposed to go to Chicago and meet up with 5 other girlfriends from around the country? More specifically, Jen from New York, Jen from Colorado, Stacie from Kansas, Tami from Florida and Tisha from Wisconsin. The original weekend was cancelled due to the death of my father-in-law. It’s rescheduled for THIS WEEKEND and I am so ready for some giggly, girly fun. Of course, Chicago is forecasted to have 6 inches of snow coming tomorrow, but I DON’T CARE. It’s all about hanging with the girls, eating and drinking. On the tail end of the trip, I also am stopping in to see my friend Aimee, her hubby Joe and their adorable son Owen.

So, if I miss the latest Grey’s Anatomy, iTunes will have it waiting for me when I get back. And who cares if the weather sucks all weekend? It’s still going to be a total blast.

But, I do need to confess, I am so glad that Meredith and McDreamy are back together.

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