CITRA: Interview with New Denver Band
Recently I sat down with 3/4’s of a new Denver band called CITRA. Brandon, Augie and Sean met me for margaritas at Mezcal while Dan was home with the flu. I had been enjoying their debut EP Ocean and was excited to chat.
Welcome to Denver, CITRA
Brandon and Augie are recent transplants from Milwaukee but didn’t know each other before arriving in Denver, while Sean is from Philly and Dan grew up in Florida. I thought they were joking as they called themselves a “Craigslist Band” – but it’s true. For the most part, Brandon put an ad out and found the others that way.
It came together quickly though; they started playing in October and finished the EP in four months. Personally, I couldn’t believe how polished it sounded but the guys explained how they had all been playing in bands for years and also, Augie is an audio tech for his 9 to 5. Ahh – it all makes sense now.
Brandon especially had success in bands back in Milwaukee, but was ready for a change of scenery (he picked a good place for that). “The weather is great here and we couldn’t ask for a better local music scene.” Brandon is also a web designer by day so the CITRA site will be re-launching soon with all the bells and whistles. Sean, who could be voted “most adorable” of the band, works at a credit union. Not joking.
I always love hearing what bands do to support their music.
When I asked about their favorite bands, it was rapid fire answers from all of them: Cage The Elephant. Band of Skulls. The Joy Formidable. Sleeper Agent. Katy Perry. (That last one was someone’s secret shame and I promised not to say who.)
I then asked what they were like in concert, and almost all of them said “fun” at the same time. “It’s high energy rock and roll.” They even spent a bunch of time recently making a light-up sign with their name (a concert photographer’s dream, by the way).
I can’t wait to check them myself out at their next show: An afternoon BBQ set with another new band, The Hollow, at Larimer Lounge.
Very nice to meet you too! This is fantastic! Can’t wait to see you at Larimer on the 24th!
Right before my birthday too!
Birthday shots may be in order 😉
I can’t do shots, but let’s clank light beers!
Deal! 🙂
Love CITRA!! These guys are amazing. …you have to see them live. What a show!!
Excited to see them soon!