December Greeblemix Contest – 1 Week Early for The Holidays
I may have mentioned this. I am a sucker for holiday music. I may be ambiguous about religion, but there is something about Christmas music… it’s just special. It brings back memories of family, friendship, and – if I am being honest – over the top cheesiness that is OK to embrace because – hello, it’s Christmastime.
So, I moved up the Greeblemix a week, promise to get my booty in gear and send them QUICK (a real change for me) and they will be filled with fun holiday music.
For Thanksgiving, we celebrated Grayson’s official entrance into the “family,” and here are some photos to prove it. For Christmas, it will be more of the same.
Sounds good to me.
How are you spending your holidays? Be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever it is you celebrate this time of year. Use the comments to share your plans!
1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight TOMORROW, December 1st, 2009.
2. The more comments you make, the more chances you have to win.
3. No anonymous comments. Please make sure your email address is easily accessible through your entry!
4. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
5. WEDNESDAY morning, I will use to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs, three winners!
6. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CDs.
7. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.
Happy holidays!
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This Christmas will be a really strange one. We haven’t quite figured out what to do with ourselves since my mother died, & this year my husband’s mother is in a nursing home. Oy!
The only thing I can say for certain is that we will travel from Ohio to NC, eat LOTS of food & then be very ready to come home. I’m going to try to come up with some new “tradition” for us to make it a little easier to make it through the holiday.
OH, MAN…I would love to win this one. I am a total sucker for Christmas music 😀
We aren’t sure what our holiday plans are, yet. We usually spend the Friday / Saturday before Christmas with my husband’s family, Christmas Eve with my mom’s extended family, and Christmas Day at home.
This year, with a baby due January 6th, we’re scuttling our plans to visit the inlaws (1.5 hour drive, TERRIBLE local hospital in case of early labor) and may not go to the family Christmas here, either. It all depends on how junior is behaving.
My inlaws are convinced the baby will make his debut between December 15 and Christmas, so we’ll see…maybe I should start a baby date pool over on my blog or something 🙂
I have no clue. We really don’t have the money budgeted to travel this year, and all my family is in Missouri, and my husband’s is in Texas.
We tried to talk my husband’s family into coming out here to our house, (because out of the two families, they are the ones that have the money to do it) but there is much passive aggressive dragging of the feet going on, so I’m pretty sure their answer is no.
In a nutshell, I’m guessing it will just be us this year, sigh.
LOVE holiday music! I am not feeling the holiday spirit yet this year, so I really need some tunes to get me psyched up. Help me Greeblemix!
And I forgot to say, we’ll be traveling to the ILs. Perhaps that explains my previous comment.
Same as always – with friends & family! We always end up running around and visiting everybody we know and then come home and collapse in a heap! You know, it’s all good.
I love love love Christmas music.
Truth be told, when things are going well, I love pretty much everything Christmas.
And more Christmas music would be most excellent.
I think we’re going to have an Open House the weekend before, then just a quiet Christmas playing with the Puppy and the sshhh… Wii. Eat good food, and enjoy each others company.
The holidays are going to be nuts. Christmas Eve with mom an hour & a half away, Christmas morning volunteering with my son, delivering presents and meals, afternoon with my dads side of the family, the man will be back home the 2nd, so we will do our family Christmas that weekend. Whew!!
Some of Joe’s UK fam will come in! Yay! We will have a good old fashioned Christmas together. xo
Spending the holidays doing more of the same – lots of work. LOL I’m cut off from lots of my family, living in Texas. They’re all located in Florida. But, my in-laws are close, and they always make Christmas fun for everyone. There’ll be lots of eating, and lots of unnecessary toys for my toddler son. Yay! 🙂
Want! I LOVE Christmas music. And you always pick such good music for your mixes; I’m sure this one will be awesome.
I’m excited for Christmas! We “missed” Christmas last year, because we moved on December 27th – we didn’t do any decorating or put up a tree or anything. We had Christmas at my mom and dad’s, but it’s not the same, especially for the kids.
So, having the tree up for the first time in two years is exciting – and figuring out where to put it in our new house has been fun, too. It’s going to be a tight year for us with these furlough days (thanks, State of Colorado!) but I’m still so, so excited to be having Christmas here in my home, with my family. We’re very blessed.
Just commenting again, to up my chances. Ha! What’s your kid asking Santa for? One of my girls had such an odd request – she wants a plant for her room. (She’s four!) And not just a plant, but one that’s rainbow colored. Ooookay.
I just put up the last of my outdoor Chrismtas lights.
Time to start clearing away house debris to get ready for decorations.
Oh yes, love Christmas music — especially by cool bands, which I know will be on this mix 🙂
Just put up some lights outside and tonight we are putting up the tree. I love the Holidays so very much! This year it is just my husband and son and I. Looking forward to a low key time together!
Glad to see you survived Turkey Day.:)
We got from Pacific NW to SoCal every other year. This is our year at home (Pac NW). It’s all about tradition around here. The kids have their Advent calendars out (chocolate of course…and religion “ambiguous” here too.) and are ready for the cookie making marathon that is December. I think this year I am going to try to do a different cookie each week…ooowee, we are in for a treat around here…and several pounds I’m sure.
Xmas in St Augustine! Wish you could be there!
Ooh! I would love to win some Holiday Cheer!
Interestingly, (NOT) we will probably stay home alone this year. All of my family are in CA, and my bf is over the guilt trips of family pressures. I am quite content with whatever. Christmas will be wherever WE are. 🙂
Happy holiday season to YOU!
Me? I love Kwanzaa music so there better be some on this thing.
I’d love to do that writing thing but I’m not a blogger. Did you know I’m a writer though? True.
I’m commenting again with nothing to say now except if you don’t come to that meeting tonight I will DIE a slow and painful death.
Pick me, pick me!
I totally need some music to help me “get in the mood” for several things right now….
I’m baaaaaaack. Did I mention I love Christmas music?
December is a busy month for us lots of birthdays and of course, Christmas. This year we are going to be making a lot of heart felt gifts. I want the girls to focus on the spirit of the season instead of the commericialism that the world wants to shove down its throat.
This year I want to enjoy it, I want to savor it, I just want to take it all in. Most years my anxiety just doesn’t let me do that, but this year I am going to try to just live in the moment, whatever that moment may be.
I am so excited that I’m finally going to see the Canadian Brass Christmas Concert in Toronto. They are a group of AMAZING brass instrument players and they’ll be joined by the Mississauga Choral Society. There will be singing (by everyone, including the audience)! There will be awesome music! I’m hoping this will start a new Christmas tradition in my family.
Christmas is busy for family visits for us! We’ll see a lot of hubby’s family on Christmas Eve and both his parents and my parents on Christmas Day….
Busy as it is, I am so looking forward to it! 🙂
LOVE Christmas music, btw! 🙂 It’s been really hard to avoid it until today though, seems like its everywhere, from all-holiday music all the time Sirius channels to local radio stations playing it 24 hours since Halloween!
Pick me! I just spent two hours playing holiday tunes on my Twitter Radio Show!
Spent some time this evening with Husband designing our Christmas Open House invite. I’m looking forward to that!
Hooray for Holiday music!
We’ve got BOTH sets of grandparents coming to stay with us for Christmas week which should be *interesting* and fun. Zoe is 2 and a half now and totally into it all. We have our tree up and she’s making up her own songs. Finn turns one on New Years Eve and he’s into everything. I love the season, but even more so with the kids. My fam would LOVE one of your mixes! 🙂
Cough, cough, cough, cough…I’m stopping by to comment one last time before I fall over in a Nyquil-induced stupor.
(Pick me! Pick me!)
this can only mean one thing….Love Actually will be on at some time every day until Christmas! it IS the most wonderful time of the year.
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