End of Summer (Camps)
Since I was “home” this summer, in that I am starting up my new company from my house, I planned out Declan’s summer differently than in years past. I had more freedom with the schedule – where, in the past, I needed care every day of the week, from morning till night – now I just needed some off time to get work done… but I also could take advantage of this special time with my son.
Who is SO FREAKING COOL right now.
We had a great summer.
I mixed it up. Some weeks he was at athletic camp. Some weeks he was at art camp. This last week, he was with the Denver Zoo, which he has declared his favorite, while he learned to save the planet. Did you know solar is so expensive because the atoms have to shake the something somethings around them to produce energy? Yeah, I don’t know what he is talking about either.
All I know is I got this face when I picked him up today:
In between those other weeks, he was home with me. We went to the pool, the park, the museums. We had a few vacations. We had lots and lots of laughs.
We have 3 more days together next week before school starts.
I now finally understand the relief, and grief, that stay at home moms experience during back to school time.
He is getting so big! – m
Yes, yes relief and grief… that is so cool, that you both enjoyed it. He is a doll!
School already?!?!?!?!?!
I love that line! “Relief and grief.” It is so true. My wife feels it as a stay-at-home mom. Even I feel it. Since I work from 7-3:30, I am home for a good portion of “home life.” Glad that your new situation has offered new gifts to you, Bryan, and Declan.
How awesome. As soon as I can afford it, I’m sending David to our zoo’s summer camp. And isn’t it cool when they start to morph from the little kid you adore into a real person — who you adore even more? This is the best age, I think.
School has been in for a few weeks here now. Fourth grade. Eesh. I feel like I’m a million years old.
What a fun summer! I can’t believe it’s almost over.
He has such a sweet face.