Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy
Speaking of concerts, I just got tickets for the first one Declan will ever attend.
You guessed it, The Wiggles.
Declan loves them, and I must admit – Bryan and I love them too. Good messages, good music, zaniness, a pirate with a feather for a sword… what’s not to love? I am not sure who will be more excited – Bryan, Declan or myself to see them live in May.
Declan flip-flops constantly as to which one his his fave – lately it is Greg (because he wears yellow, which is Declan’s favorite color). I think Greg is my favorite too. I mean, it’s like the law to prefer the lead singer, isn’t it?
And the best part… when Declan is asked later in life who is first concert was later in life… he doesn’t get to say something bad-ass like his father (Scorpians!)… but at least he gets to say something with an accent like his mother (Paul Young).
You just know I am going to take like 50,000 photos.