It’s Photo Mania Around Here!

OK, it’s just mania in general. We have been so busy lately – work, fun, Declan (he has been at work with us this week before he heads back to his old daycare for the summer)… that I haven’t even been able to get the shots from last week’s Portrait Session up. Notice what time this post went up. Geez Louise.

Here are our friends Rachel, James and 3 year old Owen. Aren’t they adorable? Yes, I know I think all our friends are adorable… but just look at that kid!

And if anyone needed a new family portrait, it was these guys. The last one they had done (by a professional!!!) was at noon and they are all squinting in the bright Colorado sun with huge shadows under their eyes. NOTE FROM ME TO EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD: DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT PLAN FOR OUTDOOR PORTRAITS AT HIGH NOON.

Plan for them indoors with a lighting kit and some Teddy Grahams. That works much better.

(Click on any photo to see the large version)

This article has 7 comments

  1. Anonymous

    love love love love em!

  2. Sarah

    Those are adorable, as usual!

  3. Shell

    I think those are some of your best! They all look so good. But I really like the 2 toward the end with one parent and the boy.

    I wish I could talk Rob into you taking pics of us. He’s so against the whole idea of family portraits.

  4. mar

    i’m really counting down the days til you come up, now!! i can’t wait! these are beautiful!!

  5. nutmeg

    That last one is my favorite!

  6. Anonymous

    Loving these pics! Keep ’em coming!

  7. Christine

    These are fantastic. What an amazing-looking family. Owie, of course, is stealing the show, the little adorable show off, but Rach, you look gorgeous. I’m serious! Like model gorgeous. No lie. And Jame is quite the stud.

    We miss you guys! Love you.

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