July Greeblemix Contest

Summer seems to be flying by and it hasn’t really even become hot here in Denver. Of course the minute I publish that sentence, I will be yearning for the daily thunderstorms we had all during June. But, yes, it’s July, and that means…. TIME FOR MUSIC!

Please tell us about your 4th of July festivities in your comments! As for us, we had a lovely picnic with our best friends and their new son (all the photos here) and then headed to the Outlaws lacrosse game at Mile High Stadium where their fireworks show conveniently exploded right over our heads. Declan screamed in my ear as his eyes were as big as saucers, “This is the best day of my life!”

I had no idea he liked fireworks that much.

1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight tonight, July 6, 2009.
2. The more comments you make, the more chances you have to win.
3. No anonymous comments. Please make sure your email address is easily accessible through your entry!
4. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
5. Tomorrow morning, I will use Random.org to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs, three winners!
6. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CDs.
7. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.

This article has 34 comments

  1. mb

    I have to say that I agree with Declan. I had a blast on the 4th (actually the 4th and 5th because the fireworks were postponed). We went to an Indiana Fever game and then watched the fireworks from the roof of the Conseco Fieldhouse parking lot. PERFECTION!

  2. Mary Lynn

    Glad you all had fun at the fireworks, Aimee!

    AnnetteK…what an awful way to spend the 4th of July. Hope you recover quickly!

    Although I celebrated Canada Day on July 1st, I did also attend a very fun party on the 4th which led to the worst hangover I’ve had in many, many years on the 5th. Still, it was a fun time and mostly worth it.

  3. That one girl

    OMG, I was suppose to go to that game when our camping trip ended tow days early! Did you have fun? Just watched the fireworks from our building, love the Coors Field fireworks!!!

  4. Tree

    I am commenting because I really really need a new mix of music instead of those blasted KidzBop CD’s. Please save me?

  5. The Bug

    I need new music too! We had a great time with my SIL, nephew & niece (see my blog for the things my niece taught me this weekend). It included the Dayton Air Museum & a hike in Clifton Gorge – but no fireworks until the neighborhood kids went crazy last night…

  6. meganlynae

    I nearly missed the fireworks due to a funnelcake disaster. Good thing they were running late too.

  7. dotkar

    We had our own fireworks show at my SIL’s house. Lots of food & exploding things!

  8. Annie

    My husband and I went to see Mike Doughty, Shemekia Copeland, and Counting Crows at a summer music festival. The weather was unseasonably cool, so it was pretty much a perfect day of music, food, and hanging out.

  9. SP

    Because I never like to do things the normal way:

    I had a lunch BBQ with my two children, the Ex husband (who is currently my roommate) his Sister-In-Law, His girlfriend and her 3 kids! It was actually fun.

    Had dinner and did fireworks with the Ex Boyfriend and his 4 kids.

    Now, with disfunction like that, you really must send me music.

  10. monstergirlee

    We went to our friends cabin for a BBQ and fireworks – the kind you buy locally. Which happen to be as good as any I saw at the Official displays growing up.
    The kids stayed up too late and have not made up sleep yet. But it was alot of fun!

  11. monstergirlee

    The weather was very nice, but today its 59 and windy – cold. WTF. (second comment, I want another greeblemix!)

  12. monstergirlee

    btw – Grayson is a Doll!

  13. Michelle

    We watched fireworks last night on the lake because they got rained out on the 3rd. Very beautiful to watch the reflection of the fireworks on the water.

  14. dotkar

    I need some new music!

  15. Emily

    Living overseas (but I still have a US address just in case I win!), I really miss the 4th of July festivities. To celebrate, I randomly posted words to patriotic American songs on non-American friends’ Facebook pages! This was actually more fun than it sounds like!!

  16. Buttercupyaya

    Declan: so cute! Out of the mouths of babes…
    We had probably the best 4th ever…we took the fam over to the coast and went camping for 3 nights. We saw a freak museum, we had ice cream in the little beach town, we asked random people to take our pictue (gasp) we went to the arcade, played on the beach, DROVE on the beach and parked, built a campfire and then watched the festivities. What a weekend. 🙂

  17. Tree

    I am posting again, too!

  18. Secret Agent Mama

    Me Me Me!!!

  19. AnnetteK

    I got to see fireworks from my hospital room while I was recovering from having my gallbladder removed. Good times. 😉

  20. Miss Grace

    Yes please.

  21. Anonymous

    My parents came over for a cookout. We lit a fire and made smores for dessert, YUM! Steve set off the glorified sparklers (legal fireworks in MD, lol) and everyone had a great time. Did I mention it feels like early Fall here, incredible weather! I’m hoping the humidity stays far away. 🙂
    Diane C.

  22. Kelly

    Woo Hoo! Mix time!

  23. Kelly

    Woo Hoo! Mix time!

  24. Michelle M

    Bring on the music!

  25. fruitlady

    I could use a good Greeblemix right about now…

  26. Michelle

    Wanting some new music!

  27. Michelle

    Pick ME, Pick ME, Pick ME

  28. Michelle

    Posting again…

  29. Michelle

    Trying again. Sorry people, but I want some MUSIC.

  30. Michelle


  31. Melissa

    We got together with friends from work and I played photographer while the kids jumped in the pool – I lit off my first firecracker – It was a total blast!!!

  32. Kim

    We stayed home and watched on TV – lame, I know, and not the same, but my daughter was sick, so our plans had to change. Of course, this would have been the first year since she was 5 and freaked out about the fireworks (the noise – lots and lots of sensory issues, that one) at Disney that she consented to try to go see them again (3 years later). Oh well 🙂

  33. Megan

    I had a good 4th, Baby Charlie could care less about the fireworks, but my 3 year old was excited and scared all at the same time!

  34. Megan

    Pick me!

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