Lunch Chat 6: New Patriotism
A new lunch chat video, with my iPhone, in the car, with music, and driving, and my face, while I’m driving. Not sure I will do that again, but I am having fun playing around with these video things. And driving.
How are you feeling about the country as we head into 4th of July? [AND BE NICE.]
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Thanks Jon! And we should all drink for every time I say “you know?” !!!
wow. you were a bit angry back then, huh?
Very cool. And yes – feeling better this 4th than I have in a while.
I second everything you said. It turns out the people who I was ‘friends’ with who I’m no longer ‘friends’ with now…were never actually my friends to begin with.
I’m not going to be putting a USA sticker on my car any time soon, but am definitely feeling more optimistic. Lets celebrate!
Nice video, by the way.
wow i never knew you were a democrat.
(i kid).
feeling better.
going to our cabin to celebrate and be in the sun. thanks for asking !
Okay, so I just want to know how you got your iphone to stay in a place to video tape you.
All the other stuff? Well you know where I stand. And I WILL have my flag out on the Fourth!!
Amie – I have a little strap on my car visor is slid right into. Cool, huh???
As my grandfather used to say during the Reagan years, “It’s my country too God Damnit!” So we have always been red white and blue family on the fourth. My mom, however, wore black on the 4th all through the Bush years. I think on Saturday she might finally break out the red!!
I agree. No one’s perfect. It’s doesn’t matter who the president is (as long as they’re not like Hilter, Stalin or Mussolini), I am always going to be proud of my country. It’s where I’m from.
Glad that you’re in better spirits this year.
I am hopeful! At the same time I wish my party would grow some balls and get some real “change” going on. There is such potential! I see so many people hopeful and wanting to do good in this country. People also seem to want to give the president a break given the big giant mess he was left with.
Like scaling down private contracts that have kept Iraq and Afghanistan going, like giving due process to some of our prisoners, like planning for national health care without being manipulated by the big money given by Health Insurance companies, like really making policy changes that will curtail the use of natural resources and global warming.
Like I said…
I am hopeful, I see pieces of this happening, slowly. Happy 4th!
Didn’t listen…too much noise going on around here. But I’m more optimistic than I’ve been in over 8 years, and disappointed that real change AGAIN won’t happen. Crap. I’m with Bridge. I see glimpses, but I want more.