Macy Gray at Washington’s Fort Collins
Macy Gray’s got that voice, you know? It’s like smooth honey mixed with a splash of whiskey. She’s one of those artists who’s just got that timeless vibe, like she’s been singing soul since waaayyyy before she was born. In concert, she’s a force to be reckoned with. She owns the stage like it’s her living room, belting out tunes with so much passion you can’t help but be drawn in. Plus, she’s got this killer sense of style, rocking funky outfits that are part retro chic and part future glam.
I took all that in at Washington’s in Fort Collins at the end of last year. The venue opened in 2018, but the space has a long history – including being Washington’s Sports Bar and Grill from 1978-2016 (thus the name). I had been there for stops during FoCoMX, but never for a full show. It’s a beautiful 900-person room that mixes the old town stone walls with contemporary style – and great sight lines from pretty much everywhere.
It was a joy to watch Macy sing in that gorgeous venue – even though there was a was an extraordinarily long interval for her to change outfits at some point. It’s OK, we were able to take a drink break and then get back to the good vibes and sassy smiles when she was ready.
Macy Gray – Concert Photos
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