May Greeblemix : Who needs some new music???
Whoa Nelly. Puerto Rico was fantabulous. Posts and photos will start appearing soon, but in the meantime, THANK YOU to all my wonderful guest posters while I was gone:
Jyl from Mom It Forward
David from Mixtape Jones
Keidra from The Web Farm
Jason from Lil Biker
Shelly Kramer from V3 Integrated Marketing
Nathan from Okay City Nate
Tara from Tall Tara
Kristin from Maine Momma
MB from Mamalicious
And now let’s have some music! Because holy cow I have a lot of email and work and stuff to catch up on! Like so much I am totally freaking out! Making me end every sentence with an exclamation point! Like! Every! Single! One!
1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010.
2. No anonymous comments. Please make sure your email address is easily accessible through your entry!
3. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
4. Wednesday morning, I will use to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs for three winners!
5. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CD.
6. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.
1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010.
2. No anonymous comments. Please make sure your email address is easily accessible through your entry!
3. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
4. Wednesday morning, I will use to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs for three winners!
5. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CD.
6. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.
A few things you can talk about in the comments! Like! What are you doing for vacation this summer! Can you believe the oil spill in the Gulf! Or what about that English parliament stuff! And how many emails do you have to read right now! I bet I have more than you!!!
This article has 25 comments
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The gulf oil spill literally makes me sick to my stomach. Between that and Nashville flooding, I can hardly watch the news. So sad.
But then I’ve been reading about rebuilding Nashville and thats exciting. We really hope to visit there one day.
And we had a nice weekend, great weather and dinner party and stuff. Yay.
nashville is sucha beautiful city, its so tragic about all the destruction. i hope as they rebuild they will be able to save some of the great history that makes nashville exactly that..nashville
glad your back! can’t wait for pics
So welcome back to the real world. Hope the snow stopped before you got back.
Heres a random story for you:
So my dog used to hang out with the boys on the bed when they read bedtime stories but one day last week she jumped up on the bed and peed on it. Yeah, Danny & my bed.
So now she’s been banned. And is driving me crazy walking around crying about it.
Hells yeah I want a Greeblemix.
hey, you have a nice blog
Welcome! home!
I will put up a separate comment for each topic.
The oil spill is devastating. I am so sad, and I don’t think we can even fathom the extent to which we will suffer.
If you have any other hair stylist friends/readers, they can help by donating hair to this organization: They make mats out of hair that soaks up oil.
I’d love a Greeblemix! Glad you’re back, safe and sound…I loved reading your tweets and flickr posts while you were away. The picture of the iguana had to be my fave…was it tough for Bryan to leave his new BFF?
just found your blog, almost choked on the name 🙂
never been to nashville but NOLA is a big part of my heart. both have suffered way too much.
I didn’t know about the “hair nets”
ewww…..I see there is a “wired monkey” here as well.
I’m a green monkey/writer @
I am not sure what we are doing this summer aside from teaching the teenager to drive. She gets her temps in less than a month…eeep!
can’t wait to see your pics from Puerto Rico!
btw – I had three whole emails when I woke up this morning., flickr, & But all exciting stuff as they were shipping notices and a flickr contact update.
i feel so sorry for all the wild life affected by the spill, it breaks my heart
It was an honor to guest post here while you were downing pina coladas.
No really.
I mean it.
Not jealous of your vacation one bit.
I need a new Greeblemix! Please??
Gulf spill is incredible. Anyone comment on the irony of BP having used the slogan “beyond petroleum” in the recent past? Nevertheless, it is devastating and will continue to have repercussions for quite some time.
I think I may have forgotten to answer the questions you put forth…
I’m slowly but surely figuring out my summer plans. So far, I have a family reunion, a Sangria party and a trip to NYC on the books.
We’ll see what other surprises are thrown my way.
re: oil spill.
Listening to a piece on NPR about all the finger pointing going on about whose fault it is.
STFU and FIX IT already!
Confession: I don’t have that many e-mails to read, because that little number that tells me how many new ones I’ve received? Drives me BONKERS.
So I mark them as “read” right away. And promptly forget all about ’em.
Which is why I have 23,434 messages in my in-box. That are all, by only the most technical definition of the word, read. #yayme #doingitwrong
If that last comment horrified anyone, please don’t read this one: the 23,434 messages are only from the MAIN folder of my primary e-mail.
For your sake and mine, I’m not gonna add up the messages in my other folders or e-mail accounts.
glad you’re back!!
I’m saddened by the oil spill, makes me sick to even think about it…
Just got back from Sullivan’s Tae Kwon Do class. I took the high road and held off on a glass of wine until after class. It was a good class.
I’m new to your blog but will check in every once in a while!
オナニー グッズ
So crossing my fingers, I LOVE your Greeblemixes! And I use a lot of exclamation points, too!
OOps! I got distracted. I may be late, but oh well. I STILL don;t understand the British government thang. And not that you really care, but I am going to Myrtle Beach this Summer for the first time!!! I’m excited to see the chaos and take some photos! lol