Mile High Mamas is LIVE!

Tweaks are still happening, and the Denver Post is considering this a “soft launch” but I am very excited to announce MILE HIGH MAMAS is up and running! This was the brainchild of Amber over at Crazy Bloggin’ Canuck and I thank her for all her hard work to get this moving. And I am very excited to be involved.

Please go check us out, comment away on the blog posts, and venture around the discussion boards. You don’t have to be from Colorado to participate! You just have to like us Coloradans!


This article has 10 comments

  1. diana

    it looks great!! i’m so excited. good luck and have fun.

  2. painted maypole

    the place looks great – can I assume you had something to do with that? 🙂

  3. Mamalicious

    Go, girl! Can’t wait to take a look. Congrats!

  4. Anonymous

    How fun! it’s neat that the paper pulled that together for you locals.

  5. Sarah

    Very cool! Congrats!

  6. Lauren

    How cute is that???

  7. chloebear

    great site – congrats!

  8. nutmeg

    Very cool! I’ll be sure to visit often!

  9. carrie

    Congratulations! What a unique and gifted group of women to belong to.

  10. Anonymous

    Very, very cool! I hope it does really well!

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