Oh The Joys, you can’t have him!
When we were in the Grand Canyon last month, I checked in on a crappy connection for like 5 minutes. Just as I was signing off, I noticed a comment from Oh The Joys that said, “Can you score me a Park Ranger outfit? I am like obsessed!”
I wasn’t really paying attention, wasn’t thinking, wasn’t keeping up on my bloglines, whatever… so I tromped off to the gift store and picked her up a Park Ranger Jr. Uniform, size 4. I worried and agonized over the size because I couldn’t remember the ages of her kids, or their sizes, but I figured fuck it. Size 4 would be fairly close for Declan and certainly a good hand-me-down for my nephew Ridgely, or worst care scenario… there is always eBay.
When I got back, I cheerfully emailed OTJ: “Dude! I got your Park Ranger get-up! I hope a size 4 is OK!”
Those of you who read OTJ must be giggling by now, seeing as I quickly found out that she didn’t want the damn uniform for her KIDS. She wanted it for her HUBBY. Nudge nudge. Wink wink.
I am the stupidest person on the fucking planet.
Alas! Both OTJ and I pretty much peed our pants laughing over it, so I guess it was worth something, at least!
Until yesterday. When it was “Character Day” at school. And we were scrambling. We don’t have random Superman costumes just laying around the house, yo.
And then a lightbulb went off!
The best Park Ranger in the whole world! No lessons, thank you very much! {insert Steve Buscemi from The Wedding Singer}
Thank god today is Pajama Day.
Dex is so darn cute!
The story behind the uniform is hilarious.
he rocks!!!
HA HA HA!! I am seriously laughing. He DOES look kind of like Buscemi as a Ranger in that outfit.
You know, I don’t think I could do Buscemi EVEN if he approached in a ranger uniform. The TEETH on that man…
I’m so glad the Jr. Uniform came in handy.
Still laughing…
(Just so you can be sure – there is NO bow chicka factor on that photo, friend.)
Dex looks so awesome!
The glasses. Just say NOOOO to those glasses. Talk about a classic outfit.
Julie of Mamagoosemouse referred me over to you. I’m working on a project for The Denver Post and am looking for some local bloggers. Drop me an email and I’ll fill you in if interested.
Wow. what a great outfit.
Dex is adorable.
Oh, that is hilarious!!! The pic is great though…
Thanks all!
OTJ, the Steve B reference is more to his character in Wedding Singer, where is grabs the guitar and makes an ass of himself at his bro’s wedding. Bryan and I say that anytime we are overly impressed with our meager skills. Making PBJ? “Best cook in the WORLD! No LESSONS!!
Or maybe I should just keep our running inside jokes to myself.
and thanks everyone else!
Oh, and awesome Amber, I emailed you!!!
Now that’s funny. I recall her comment and I knew what it was for, the the rest of the story is just too funny. Thanks for sharing.
Totally cute!!!!!
No Lessons…. I love that line!
Ha! Because I pretty much stalk OTJ I could guess where this was headed. But, I had to comment on your little guy… love, love, LOVE the bruises on his leg!! So much a part of being a little person. Great pic.
ha, yes.. the bruises!! I used to worry that someone would call CPS at some point, but the child inherited the clumsy gene from his mama, so they are PERPETUAL.
OMFG, this is making me laugh so hard right now. So freakin’ awesome.