concert photography

Royal Blood Concert Photos

Royal Blood Photos from Boulder

There seems to be a thing with two-man bands lately. I know for sure it is easier to tour, but I just can't figure out how only two guys can make all this sound in concert. English band Royal Blood played the Fox Theatre in…
Phox Band - Concert Photos

Photos of the Band Phox in Denver

I first heard Phox play at UMS a few years a ago. I have been trying to see them again over and over but it never worked out until recently. Phox played the Bluebird Theater in east Denver this month and they sounded great. Particularly…
Keggs & Eggs 2015

Concert Photos: KTCL’s Keggs & Eggs 2015

My pals at KTCL Channel 93.3 know how to throw a party. So much so that it took me more than a month to recover and finally edit the photos from this year's Keggs & Eggs. If you have never attended, this concert extravaganza starts…
Ben Howard Concert Photos

Ben Howard Photos from Fillmore Denver

One thing that is great about music streaming services is the ability to ping your friends when you find music they will love. My friend Andrew did that back in 2011 when Ben Howard's Every Kingdom came out and, indeed, I loved it. Ben's latest,…

Bleachers at the Bluebird Theater

These photos are overdue, mainly because the holidays have a way of imposing on your life. That isn't to say Bleachers were not awesome. In fact, after seeing Jack Antonoff's side project, I can officially say I vastly prefer Bleachers to Fun. I am sure…
Cage The Elephant - Not So Silent Night 2014

Photos: KTCL’s Not So Silent Night 2014 Denver

Every year, our local indie music station KTCL Channel 93.3 throws a song contest called Hometown For The Holidays. The winner from that gets to open for next year's Not So Silent Night show at Broomfield's 1st Bank Center. Past winners have included Flobots, Churchill,…