"Why Mommybloggers Suck"

Yes. I actually gave a presentation with that title at IgniteBoulder last night. But before you get all up in arms about my hypocrisy, let’s remember that a) I am good at being a hypocrite, b) I also talk about what we can learn from mommybloggers, and c) Ignite is a fun event and I felt like fucking around a bit.

I also felt like saying the word “fucking.”

I will also forgive @heizusan for misspelling my name. Because I know he was just overcome with my incredible presentation. But keep his point in mind if you watch the video at work, or at home with kids around. [Because the truth is, I try to curse as much as possible when Declan is not around.] And if you *are* watching this at home with kids around, you may want to think long and hard about Suckymom #3. Just sayin.’

P.S. Here is a great set of photos from @Stepan that covers the whole night.

P.P.S. If you have no idea who Matt Galligan is, or why he is throwing money around Boulder: Here.

P.P.P.S. Big thanks to mucho people who helped with this presentation and/or totally supported me while I nauseously got ready for this presentation. To name a few: @penguin @andrewhyde @bugfrog @jamesshane @chloebear @queenofspain @momslant @geekmommy @tarable @gracekboyle Christina … and ALL you awesome mom bloggers out there.

This article has 55 comments

  1. zipper

    That. was. awesome.

  2. Amber

    DUDE. I think this presentation will go down in the history books. HILARIOUS!

  3. Neil

    Perfect. And how is the beer at the brewery that sponsored it?

  4. BOSSY

    Everyone has value. Aww.

  5. sunmamma

    Omgawd that was so great!!!

  6. Schmutzie

    You look like you really enjoy being up there. Great talk!

  7. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Georgia, did you hear the guy yell “Spoken like a true mom!” HA!

    And thanks everyone. ‘Preciate it.

  8. Anonymous

    you are gonna catch some shit for that!

  9. Megan

    I think you are right. Everyone has value. I read “big” blogs and “little” blogs and I like them all for different reasons.

  10. Mrs. Flinger

    SO PROUD OF YOU! Cussing included. XOXO

  11. Aimee Greeblemonkey


    This was the spending stats slide.

    -Moms are responsible for $2.1 trillion of U.S. consumer spending
    -Moms control about 80% of household expenditures
    -87% use the web regularly
    -60% of their online conversations include a mention of brands or products

    Adweek, March 30, 2009

  12. Glennia

    Great presentation. You should change your name to “Greeblemoney” because you are money, baby.

  13. Anonymous

    Not sure what everyone is raving about. I thought this was pretty rude.

  14. Mamma

    I’m so jealous you live in such a cool community that hosts cool events like this.

    DC–not so hip.

  15. Aimee Greeblemonkey


  16. Backpacking Dad

    You forgot Mommybloggers Who Are Dads. They suck too.

    You’re such a racist.

  17. Lori

    You rocked. Igneous and otherwise.

    May I talk about poop now? And will you give me money to do so?

  18. Monica Danna

    freaking. awesome. bravo.

  19. Becky

    Where’d you get your stats?

  20. Heather Kennedy

    Love how you pulled this together with honest + humor.

  21. Deb on the Rocks


  22. carrie


  23. Laura

    You’re awesome!! I always knew you were. I loved this!

  24. EatPlayLove

    wtg! I wish I was there now, just to see that fabulous moment.

  25. Jeremy Tanner

    You rocked! Also, that makes you and Brian are the first Wife & Husband pair to present at Ignite Boulder. Awesome.


  26. Julie @ The Mom Slant

    You so totally rock. Again, really sorry I had to miss it. Darn kids.

    (Oops, does that make me a Suckymom #3?)

  27. Naomi

    Glennia … loved your greebleMONEY comment!

    Aimee dear – this ROCKED … WTG chickadee.

  28. NS

    Yet again with the anti-breastfeeding sentiments (boob nazis). Not impressed.

  29. Oz


  30. GeekMommy


    I so wish I could’ve been there physically to support you!! But clearly? You rocked w/o it!!

    Loved it hon! 🙂

  31. Rachael

    Pretty great! You are funny too!

  32. meg

    Crap. I’m an unposter.

  33. JDP33

    I agree, when will people realize even making fun of breastfeeding is so damaging? You went WAY over the line.

  34. mediamum

    As we Aussies say, Noice. 🙂 I’m very sorry I missed it IRL. But glad to have seen it online.

  35. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Thanks for all the support… and for the ones who are not pleased, well, you can’t please everyone I guess.

  36. Anonymous

    wow. just wow. – m

  37. Mayberry

    Mwah! That was great.

    And I’m one of those breastfeeders! (well. I was, when I had babies.)

  38. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Oh no’s Jeremy! Bryan and I were SO EXCITED about that! But, Jed and Jo are awesome… and either way, Bryan is stoked to not be a widower anymore. 😉

  39. fruitlady

    Love the anonymous haters! Woot for haters! Do they have value too?

    You are teh awsum as per the usual!

    I am such a cross section of all your categories I’m not even sure where to start labeling myself.

    Sorry I missed but love the video!

  40. Andy

    that was great. congrats.

  41. Tree

    I think that if everyone actually listened / watched to the middle of hte presentation, you said EVERYONE has value, whether his / her specific blog appeals to you personally or not. Nice bridge. Unfortunately, several people failed to see that.

    I enjoyed it.

  42. Jeremy Tanner

    Correction, Jed and Jo White were the first pair. If Declan is up for it, you guys could be the first parent / child team to present…. I think…


  43. Katherine Center

    Awesome, awesome!! Go, b-day girl!!!

  44. Rhiannon

    Great job! I’ve been wanting to go to Ignite here in Portland for a while now. And, love seeing the Deschutes Brewery banner. yay! Oregon!

  45. Jenny, the Bloggess


  46. Jennifer, Playgroups Are No Place For Children

    That was great, Aimee!

    Re: anonymous/no link commenters, I thought you were being tongue in cheek…seems like some people have lost their sense of humor.

  47. Jon

    It is interesting to see all this backlash against mommybloggers these days.

  48. g-man

    Well done Aimee. 🙂

  49. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Thanks again y’all. xo

  50. Kristy - Where's My Damn Answer

    Awesome … GREAT presentation 😀

  51. Sarah Bellum

    You’re adorable!

  52. Andie

    That was really good.

  53. mamabirdsblog

    Great job! Even though I read your post on how you do all you do, I still don’t know how you do all you do!

  54. Jeff

    I have recently had a mommy blogger try and attach me with her “mommy blogging product poacher posse” via twitter. I work for a company and we were in contact and she became irate that our company would not send her item(s) for free. Our items our handmade and retail for over hundreds of dollars and we asked her for TEN dollars an item plus shipping and handling to cover costs. I understand that this is an ABSORBENT cost and she would probably no longer be able to feed her family. (insert sarcasm where necessary).

    I don’t know where her false sense of entitlement comes from….. Probably one too many animal crackers. I would looooove to post this crazy person/ robot e-mail. I am not sure why some feel that they should SELL themselves out for free items. I guess that’s what you do when you have no identity, no attention from your family, and access to a CPU.

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