
Nighttime Snow

There is something magical about going to bed when the first flakes start flying. You're all cozy in bed, snuggled up with a book... dreamily watching the white stuff coming down in that eery nighttime way - where you can only really see it through…

Mall Fruit

We often go to the mall to play on the oversized breakfast foods. Declan calls them simply "The Mall Fruit," but there are also waffles, eggs, sausage and bacon. This little slice of heaven is heavily padded and a place for kids to run around…


It was gray and raining this morning, then snowing and then within 15 minutes, clear blue skies and massive sunshine. Took some fun pictures of wet leaves, though. Thanks, Mother Nature!

Wind Power

A friend who joined us for trick-or-treating was asking me if we were happy with Windsource, Colorado's wind energy program. Can you say HELL YEAH!? This program allows you to sign up (and pay a little extra) for energy generated at Northern Colorado wind farms…