December Mix CD Contest
Tis the season and all that, right? Have I mentioned how much I love Christmas music? I know! Kind of hilarious since I am agnostic and don’t believe in Jesus – but I *do* believe in the morals behind his messages… and WHATEVER! Christmas music is just so fun, y’all! No matter what religion you practice!
So, OF COURSE, this month’s Greeblemonkey Mix CD will be chock full of Christmas music! And guess what else? I won’t even make you answer any questions.
*AND* I’m giving away FIVE CD’s this month.
That’s right.
First five commenters gets ’em.
Happy holidays, folks. Thanks for visiting, I really appreciate it.
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Yes, please. Am I ever glad I got up early this morning!
No questions to answer? No hurdles to jump through. Surely, you jest!
Add me, I love a contest!
Mishi @
And I meant to add … thank YOU for slaving hard over a hot blog all year. We should be sending you CDs!
Yay for Christmas Music!
Allison, You actually *are* # 5… do you want it? Sue commented twice. 🙂
And thank you Sue! What a nice thing to say! :)))))
And Allison has decided to pass on being #5 —
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
*juts arm up into the air, flailing hand wildly*
I’ll take it, Aimee.
I mean this sincerely when I say it’ll be an honor to have a Greeblemonkey CD in my collection.
I’ve only been a reader of your blog for a month or so, but you kinda rock. (OK, more than kinda.)
I’ll trade you for my first-born…
Lady, that seriously cracked me up!!!
And Regina, I would love a CD!
But I don’t see your email on your site anywhere!
Email me at
aimee at greeblemonkey dot com
That goes for you winners too!
You need to send me your snail mails!
Oh, Aimee. I wasn’t kidding. Wouldn’t Dec like a big brother?
Dublin, yup, that will go up, probably on Monday when I am hopefully back to the office -0 if I ever shake this cold. I was down for the count on Thurs and Fri! And missing a b-day party today too! For one of our very close friends! SOB!
And Lady… We’ve had that kid play in our yard when he was a baby and while he is fabulous, we are determinedly a 1 child family. Sorry!
Crap, I’m too late. Post your songlist for the losers amongst us, OK? 😉
dangit missed again!
Woo hoo! I’ve been needing a Christmas cd. You can ship it to my sister in the States if you don’t want to ship it internationally. She’s coming over in 2 weeks.
Thanks Aimee, you’re so kind!
Noble Savage
Once again, too late. But then I don’t think I want a CD of Christmas tunes – even YOURS! Even though they would be the coolest, most awesome tunes around and only have so much in me for holiday music that seems to start earlier and earlier.
I’ll save my CD kharma for the next go around. Some day I will get a cool Greeblemonkey CD!!
crap, indeed! Songlist, please! I have zero christmas music.
Darnit! *cries softly*
Sigh. I’ve never been much of an early bird. Anyway,..
I love the xmas jams, too, specifically not-so-traditional interpretations. Email me… Seriously… I’d be glad to send YOU a disk! 🙂
Aaaawww, I see I’m already too late!!
Will you post what’s on your fab cd, so that the rest of us can be green with envy? ;0)
boo. i guessed i missed the boat on this one…and i’m such an ON TIME kind of person too!
Sorry to you guys who missed it… but there is always new month! 😉
Well, shoot, I missed it! I’m not much on the Christmas music, but I do like a certain amount of it just fine. I will say that most of it is better than any Chanukah music. My Jewish holiday pop songs are seriously lacking. Luckily, we have Adam Sandler, though. 😛
And hey, what happened to the option to post our website link even for us non-blogspot users?
I’m the Phil, by the way. 🙂
Phil, I think Google changed things up this week!
looking forward to seeing the mix.
I think you’re right. I noticed it on a bunch of other blogspot posts as well. That’s really a drag. I have a couple of blogspot blogs (each with different accounts, because I didn’t learn until after the fact that you can own more than one blog site with a single account) and use each for different reasons. But it’s kind of a bummer not to be able to list my main blog site on any Google blogs anymore. I use a separate hosting service and use WordPress, and Google seems not to like me.
Sigh. Oh well. Anyway, if you perhaps have interest in seeing what else I blog about, you can visit the still very young blog site I run with my partner: we’re rubber stamp nerds, what can I say?
Did you say the LAST five commenters… *hint* 😉
ha ha Sue! I’d love to paint the world with mix CDs but iTunes would implode, eh?