Happy 2008!

Notice how we managed to get Declan’s photo in the background. Complete accident.

This article has 12 comments

  1. Mayberry

    That is so perfect. Happy new year!

  2. Builder Mama

    I love it! Happy New Year to you too!

  3. Sue at nobaddays

    As we say in my family at New Year, “Happeeeeee!”

  4. zenrain

    love it! happy new year!!

  5. villanovababy

    Happy New Year!!! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time in Hawaii. I’m so jealous…

  6. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Same to you all! What did you do to celebrate?

  7. Sizzle

    great pic! happy new year!

  8. Anonymous

    Also fun! Happy New Year to you all!

  9. Gretchen

    Happy New Year!

    Hope 2008 only gets better!

  10. carrie

    Looks like you guys have some awesome friends to ring the New Year in with!

    A little like us last night, except we actually went out *shocker*!

    Happy New Year!

  11. monstergirlee

    Happy New Year!

    I hope Dex feels better soon. Stomach flu sucks!

  12. Andie

    I’m so behind! but Happy New Year to you!

    and I love that picture.

    and your trip looks like PERFECTION!

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