If You Ever Wondered What My Kitchen Looks Like
Those of you who have been to my house will know that this is the view of the kitchen from the dining room. You will recognize my stripey ball salt & pepper shakers on the stove, the archway pantry behind the stove, the funky ceiling light we have in the kitchen, our hardwood floors, the fact that I am always boiling food over or burning it to oblivion – and most importantly, that I apparently have a penchant for 1970’s vests.
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Love the kitchen wall color!
Neil, that’s what you call puce.
This was the first thing I saw in blogland this morning. Made me laugh so hard I nearly snorted Kashi Go Lean and yogurt all over my screen.
Now I know exactly what your kitchen (and you) look like.
Well done =)
I love that you are smiling.
Declan is quite a good artist.
Too cute!
vests are very “in” again. 😉
He has mad skilz of an artist.
Seriously! I recognized that view your kitchen, and I haven’t seen it since before it WAS your kitchen. Get him to art school.
And, honey? Don’t fight the vests. No mortal can resist them.
Declan’s a better artist than I am! Also, do you really smile all the time? I can’t imagine you not smiling. 🙂
that is classic
Yeah, I’m thinking he needs to redo my portrait photo for me.
Love that vest…and that funky light. You have quite an artist there 🙂
I love the first year or so of the drawing age in kids. They are so imaginative. It’s been said that Art is the ability to recapture one’s innocense. I’m paraphrasing, but something like that.
There is nothing sweeter than kids’ artwork!
I think it needs its very own frame!
The vest is very fetching on you 😉
Hahaha! Your kitchen looks great. And 70s vests? Totally hot again.
That’s a framer for sure.
Very, very cool.
I adore children’s drawings. I feel like I’ve been there now.
Great post.
Rebecca F.
It’s always good to have the perspective of a “primitive” artist. Thank you for the explanation, although really, I could totally tell that those were stripey ball salt and pepper shakers….
Why does kid art look a degree away from high art???
Cute, cute, cute!
that’s hilarious. Good to know we should never come over for dinner.
Dex cracks me up!
I really like the salt and pepper shakers. What a great drawing Dex!
Thanks all!
And monstergirlee, I got them at Pottery Barn about 12 years ago!
Wow, your hair is really growing out… it goes great with your Partridge Family vest. Fabulous Dahling!
LOL, Erin, if it would only grow that fast in real life. Which brings me to another major life decision. should I grow my hair out for the summer?
See, I thought that was a gumball machine on your stove!
Please tell the vest was crocheted. That would make my day.