More to come later… but…

I got more use out of my fancy new lights this afternoon over at our friends Ivan and Shiloh’s house. The victims this time were their two kids, Chloe (age 3.5) and Gabriel (age 4 months). I literally have hundreds of photos to sort through, so the one below will have to hold you for now.

It’s of Chloe and Declan during their afternoon of Super-Fantastic-Amazing-Fun. They were literally killing us. It’s not like they see each other all that often. But they were absolutely cracking each other up for hours, and gave me plenty of time to photograph little Gabriel.

My favorite part? When it was time for us to leave and Chloe tried to lock Declan in her room so he would stay there forever.

Yeah. OK. That part didn’t go over so well with Declan.

But he talked nonstop on the way home about how Chloe was going to come play at his house next time… so I take that as a sign that all is forgiven.

This article has 8 comments

  1. Anonymous

    ha ha, I love it. cute pic too!

  2. Ivan

    We had a good time as well. Chloe woke up this morning and said we had to get ready to go to Declan’s house. We had to be there at 10 am. She REALLY likes Declan

  3. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Awww. That is so sweet.

  4. Anonymous

    What a great picture!!

  5. Sarah

    I love that she tried to keep him there. HA HA!

  6. laurie

    that is just the most adorable thing!

  7. TxGambit

    Tooo funny.

  8. Anonymous

    Kids are so adorable.

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