One Down, One To Go

Yes, I had another live, on-air, hoping not to throw up, interview to promote my Savvy Source site this morning. And I talk about saving money, which of course I am totally awesome at. Not. But hopefully nobody picked up on that.

Oh! – and guess what was exactly the same this time around? The fact that I got lost again after the interview and wandered around Fox31’s studios until I ran into Shaul Turner and made her show me the way out. Two for two!

Let’s see how I do on Wednesday when I tackle our ABC morning show at 5 am.


The good news? No one will be watching me at 5am.

This article has 31 comments

  1. Megan

    You were awesome!!!

  2. Anonymous

    Great job! TFS!

  3. Mayberry

    WTG! I love that you were ID’d right up front as a “budget expert.”

    Good luck Wednesday! Soon you are going to be such a pro at these.

  4. Gill

    Well greebs, now that we know you will be on at 5am, the rest of us will have to get up and watch – oh wait a minute. That’s why god made YouTube.

  5. BOSSY

    5 a.m………… just stay up? It could then be the latest interview you ever had?

  6. Anonymous

    Great job! They should have given you more time, it didn’t seem like you said everything…Rebecca

  7. Adventures In Babywearing

    That was great! I love how you say “snacky.” : )


  8. Loralee Choate

    FIVE AM???? GOOD HELL! Usually the only time I ever see 5 am is when I am going to bed. (Night owl, much???)

  9. Hip Mom's Guide

    You did great and that is WAAAYYY too early. Plus, that guy was a bit annoying. I don’t think I’d handle him very well that early in the AM. You were fab!

  10. Anonymous

    Great show great stuff, short time
    you were super. Aunt Kitty and Uncle Bille

  11. Fairy

    You looked much more relaxed this time around. You’re becoming a pro at this!

  12. zipper

    looking good, kid!

  13. Anonymous

    Love your tone of voice (very smooth and pleasant), have you ever thought about broadcasting!
    Great Job! Brenda.

  14. Jenny, the Bloggess


  15. Jen

    that was hilarious! awesome!

  16. Ron

    Like a mini version of Suze Ormon. That’s great!

  17. gcmandrake

    Congrats! That was very well done.

  18. Oz

    Great job!

  19. EatPlayLove

    Awesome! WTG! You’re a saavy rock star!

  20. amy turn sharp of doobleh-vay

    yr awesome!!!!!!!!
    I loved it babe
    yr so hot and smart-yahoooooo

  21. Andi

    Delurking to say…It was great to hear your voice!

  22. Sitting Still

    Very nicely done!

  23. Sassy

    Nice job, you! And OMIGOD five in the morning. That’s just wrong.

  24. carrie

    Watch out Suze Ormond (I probably spelled her name wrong)!!!!

    You were so comfortable, cool and collected! Not that it’ll ever happen, but if I am *ever* on tv, you will be my coach, k?

  25. Catherine

    Woohoo!! You looked so calm and collected, Aimee.

    Good luck with the five am show!!

  26. monstergirlee

    Finally got to watch you- Wow Aimee that was awesome! You really looked so comfortable up there, like it was no big deal, really well done.

    btw – I guess I’ve been mispronouncing your name this whole time – didn’t know there was a long eee at the end – d’Oh!

  27. Schmutzie

    Lovely interview! I’m so proud of people I know when I see them receiving recognition.

  28. Mary

    Great job! Loved the grocery tips.

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